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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Just hit the 0030 show. It was excellent. If you liked the overrated first one, you will definitely like this. LESS Shia Lebouf whinery and pansydom, MORE giant robots transforming and beating the lunch money off each other. Also I thought it was a lot funnier.
Kids are already begging to see this , it looks like crap to me - I broke down and saw Iron Man with them and it was very good....
Kids are already begging to see this , it looks like crap to me - I broke down and saw Iron Man with them and it was very good....

Iron Man was great. Don't go in expecting too much. Just enjoy the show. This is Bay we're talking about here. But it definitely beats the first one.
I enjoyed the first one...although the second time around it annoyed me to be honest. But if this one has more action, it sounds very promising. I'm seeing it either way though :biggrin:
The wife and I have tickets for the saturday show. She is 9 months pregnant and hoping it will kick off labor :smile:

Critic reviews dont look very good so far though... guess we'll see.
Iron Man was likely one of the best made and most entertaining super-hero movies of the last twenty years (along with the new Batman).

Transformers, the first Bay film, was an epic bastardization of everything my childhood taught me to hold near and dear regarding alien robots. When I saw Optimus Prime had lips I felt like I just saw a hundred thousand babies commit seppuku, in unison. Megan Fox was the only redeeming quality... but hot babes can only be a complicit bystander in the raping of my childhood for so long until it starts to chafe.

However, I digress... it was entertaining from the 'shiny things' and 'big explosions' perspective... but it was, as far as I was concerned, a complete redesign/gutting of the original backstory.

But when a former colleague had the 'inside' on early copies of the DVD for $5 that included a little bumblebee action figure I shelled out the cash... and never watched it. :lol:

I couldn't go without posting this hilarious quote and subsequent link to a review of Transformers 2 by Roger Ebert:

" "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys. If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination. "


But it sounds like you are absolutely right... if you liked the first one, you'll love the second! :lol:
I caught it last night as part of an exclusive premier for the Transformers fan club that I belong to. As always I went in without any expectations whatsoever and tell you the truth, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Then again I'm a fanboy so I guess you gotta take my opinions with a large grain of salt.
I am going in expecting it to not be really cerebral or groundbreaking (my expectations based upon my disdain for the first movie). However, I don't expect it to be and neither do most I think.
I'm about to go see it now. As a child of the eighties that was more into He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, I could care less about back story and character authenticity. I just want to be entertained by another mindless Michael Bay pic. The first one (along with the newest Indiana Jones movie) were ruined by Shia LeBeouf for me. And I swear to God if my name was "Shia LeBeouf" I would either kill myself, my parents or change my name.
The wife and I have tickets for the saturday show. She is 9 months pregnant and hoping it will kick off labor :smile:

Critic reviews dont look very good so far though... guess we'll see.

It's a movie about robots that turn into vehicles and aircraft and fight each other. What is there to critique?
The action was what carried me through the first one. I took issue with a lot of things about it. Every time Lebouf was on-screen I wanted to choke him. He wasn't quite as bad this go-round. Like I said, know what you're in for and it won't be too bad.
I remember going to the movie theater to see the "first" Transformers movie in the mid 80's. it was kind of a big deal :w00t:

I cried when Ironhide died in the first five minutes. No one actually "died" in the TV show, and Megatron SHOT HIM IN THE FACE WHILE HE WAS DOWN!!! I just kept thinking somebody would repair him or something...

My nephew had a similar expirence in the first live action movie with Jazz (that was the one that got pulled apart by Megatron). Apparently, my brother brought him a bunch of Jazz toys before he saw the movie. I tell you, none of these super hero movies are for kids anymore.
It looks ok, I think I'll go and check it out at the drive-in, give my 80's inner child some fun...
Kids are already begging to see this , it looks like crap to me - I broke down and saw Iron Man with them and it was very good....

I'm confused about this, and the original, movie...and much of what is being marketed by Hollywood to kids. After seeing this pic from the film, and knowing all about Megan Fox, my wife and I were wondering ***?

I just thought about this and can recall a conversation I had with my girlfriend as we watched a few movies from our childhood. There were so many "adult" moments in those movies that we had not registered them until now.
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