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Trac II: Where's the joy?

I've been getting pretty consistent BBS shaves with a variety of DEs from a Futur to my 37C slant over the last couple of months. Along with most of you, I love shaving. Love it.

Today I was running late as I was called into the place I worked this summer for a last minute meeting. I had less than 15 minutes to shower AND shave, so I decided to try out one of the chrome Trac II handles I picked up a couple of weeks ago off the BST with a Gillette Trac II cartridge.

I got a DFS shave in about 5 minutes with little irritation. The lubricating strip was pretty gross though, it felt like slime.

Afterwards my face was dry, and that's not normal when I usually use a DE.

All in all it was a fine shave. Smooth but a little dry.

BUT......... where was the enjoyment? Where was the relaxing, calming ritual I have come to enjoy? It was a soulless shave, simple as that. No technique was necessary. I ran the blade over my face as fast as possible, and that was that. Wham, bam, thank you Trac II! I felt dirty, like I was cheating on my beautiful DEs.

I guess I will keep it around for emergencies, but as a daily shaver? No thanks!
I know the feeling...I use a Schick Hydro 3 for those rush jobs and every time I go back to my beloved de, she gives me a little bite for cheating on her.
I should probably keep a few of these on hand for when I'm late to class, as is often the case. Honestly though? I'm in college, nobody looks twice if i have scruff so I can save my shaves for when I do it right :). I know it won't last forever though.
You can get cartridges for it that don't have a lube strip.

It's not entirely technique-less, as the head doesn't pivot. Making those adjustments is easy for you because you are a skilled shaver. The masses think shaving with a Trac II is difficult.

I like using Trac II, and often use it for a first-pass.
I've been getting pretty consistent BBS shaves with a variety of DEs from a Futur to my 37C slant over the last couple of months. Along with most of you, I love shaving. Love it.

Today I was running late as I was called into the place I worked this summer for a last minute meeting. I had less than 15 minutes to shower AND shave, so I decided to try out one of the chrome Trac II handles I picked up a couple of weeks ago off the BST with a Gillette Trac II cartridge.

I got a DFS shave in about 5 minutes with little irritation. The lubricating strip was pretty gross though, it felt like slime.

Afterwards my face was dry, and that's not normal when I usually use a DE.

All in all it was a fine shave. Smooth but a little dry.

BUT......... where was the enjoyment? Where was the relaxing, calming ritual I have come to enjoy? It was a soulless shave, simple as that. No technique was necessary. I ran the blade over my face as fast as possible, and that was that. Wham, bam, thank you Trac II! I felt dirty, like I was cheating on my beautiful DEs.

I guess I will keep it around for emergencies, but as a daily shaver? No thanks!

15 minutes to S+S+S+S...leaves zero room for enjoyment regardless of the razor choice. :laugh:
I knew you would have something to say about this SUNA. You use cartridges every day, right? I hope you're not a Gillette plant trying to win us all back!:lol::lol::lol:
I like to use my father in laws 1980 Trac II occasionally. I think it takes a little skill to use it since it's basically a two bladed injector.

As to the joy factor, not every shave can't be a blissful, near orgasmic experience. Some days it's just something that has to be done, and if a Trac II gets the job done then that's fine.
I knew you would have something to say about this SUNA. You use cartridges every day, right? I hope you're not a Gillette plant trying to win us all back!:lol::lol::lol:

I have been using carts more of late...but still use my DE's. Last week alone I used a Rocket HD, Muhle R89 (which I now ordered a cooncatbob handle for), and a 1904.

IMHO, carts can prvide just as good of a shave as a DE. They just cost a heck of lot more...but take take a heck of lot less time. :biggrin1:
I think the Trac II is probably the best razor of all razors ever made. You still need skill to use it by being mindful of your angles (just like a DE). You also get the speed and safety of a cart razor. Might not be as satisfying to some, but it's practically impossible to beat for the reasons mentioned above.
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I used to love the Trac II, until finding cartidges became a tab in itself, and I jumped onto the latest greatest model at the time...

Otherwise, if the cartridges were still readily available I may have never switched off.
As to the joy factor, not every shave can't be a blissful, near orgasmic experience. Some days it's just something that has to be done, and if a Trac II gets the job done then that's fine.

Those are wise words.

There are days when I shave for the result (most working days, actually), and I often use a generic brand cartridge shaver to achieve it.
As a compromise, an Injector gives me an enjoyable shave with nearly cartridge-like simplicity and a DE result.
Well I don not have anything for the face with these. But I do for my head and the Wal-Mart brand that is a Trac II and Atra blade in one are great.
But alas my local store now sells the Wilkison brand.
I began using the Trac/Schick 2 when it became difficult to obtain blades for safety razors and Atra and Sensor in turn when 2s followed suit but never progressed beyond two blades because I could again get blades for safety razors. Have tried sample 3 & 5 blade cartridges but don't care for them; still prefer Injectors, SEs, DEs in that order.
Well I don not have anything for the face with these. But I do for my head and the Wal-Mart brand that is a Trac II and Atra blade in one are great.
But alas my local store now sells the Wilkison brand.

I have never seen Wal-Mart branded cartridges. Wal-Mart used to sell Personna Trac II/Atra carts, but are now selling Wilkinson Sword Trac II/Atra carts instead.
Well, if you dislike the Trac-II, you will positively hate the Personna Double II. Think of a double headed Trac-II, similar in form to a DE razor. Shaves like a Trac but lasts twice as long. What I usually carry on flights. Lots of blades, looks like a DE and keeps TSA happy...who could ask for more?
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