I've been getting pretty consistent BBS shaves with a variety of DEs from a Futur to my 37C slant over the last couple of months. Along with most of you, I love shaving. Love it.
Today I was running late as I was called into the place I worked this summer for a last minute meeting. I had less than 15 minutes to shower AND shave, so I decided to try out one of the chrome Trac II handles I picked up a couple of weeks ago off the BST with a Gillette Trac II cartridge.
I got a DFS shave in about 5 minutes with little irritation. The lubricating strip was pretty gross though, it felt like slime.
Afterwards my face was dry, and that's not normal when I usually use a DE.
All in all it was a fine shave. Smooth but a little dry.
BUT......... where was the enjoyment? Where was the relaxing, calming ritual I have come to enjoy? It was a soulless shave, simple as that. No technique was necessary. I ran the blade over my face as fast as possible, and that was that. Wham, bam, thank you Trac II! I felt dirty, like I was cheating on my beautiful DEs.
I guess I will keep it around for emergencies, but as a daily shaver? No thanks!
Today I was running late as I was called into the place I worked this summer for a last minute meeting. I had less than 15 minutes to shower AND shave, so I decided to try out one of the chrome Trac II handles I picked up a couple of weeks ago off the BST with a Gillette Trac II cartridge.
I got a DFS shave in about 5 minutes with little irritation. The lubricating strip was pretty gross though, it felt like slime.
Afterwards my face was dry, and that's not normal when I usually use a DE.
All in all it was a fine shave. Smooth but a little dry.
BUT......... where was the enjoyment? Where was the relaxing, calming ritual I have come to enjoy? It was a soulless shave, simple as that. No technique was necessary. I ran the blade over my face as fast as possible, and that was that. Wham, bam, thank you Trac II! I felt dirty, like I was cheating on my beautiful DEs.
I guess I will keep it around for emergencies, but as a daily shaver? No thanks!