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Touch up or finishing?

I've completed my 4th shave with a GD form Ken Rup. Kudo's to such a fine kit for the price...

I have the Filly strop with crox on the back. I know this is to be used every few shaves to touch up the edge with about 5 laps.

I wonder should I have a barber hone or finishing stone to touch up on then hit the crox then leather? I keep wondering is 40-50 for a barber hone here or the bay worth it when Naniwas/nortons/coticle yellow stones are availble for a bit more to double the cost?

I like barber hone as a thought for easy touch ups. I like the naniwas since lynn uses them and they from whats stated a nice finisher and the coticle is a good stone with a variety of use's but finishing/touchups?

I know there is no end all answer but I can't seem to make sense of what info would lead me to start down which path... any help/info/thoughts would be appreciated. Oh as a fyi... I see myself as a particular person who generally enters something and wish's to do the best possible to near perfection if that helps hahaha.

All the options you listed will work. IMO, the barbers hone/pasted stop option is the simplest and most economical. However, if you're looking for "near perfection", you're at serious risk of HAD and will probably end up buying and trying all of them.
All the options you listed will work. IMO, the barbers hone/pasted stop option is the simplest and most economical. However, if you're looking for "near perfection", you're at serious risk of HAD and will probably end up buying and trying all of them.

HAD is good. I like HAD.

One of the benefits of that course of action is the experience to know what you like in an edge.
All the options you listed will work. IMO, the barbers hone/pasted stop option is the simplest and most economical. However, if you're looking for "near perfection", you're at serious risk of HAD and will probably end up buying and trying all of them.


Let us know if you have more questions.

Honemeisters use certain stones because we hone a lot of razors. Progressions are good.
For a touch up stone, I've been reading here and at SRP and I'm stuck...

I have crom-ox .5 on my filly to hit before the leather...

should I use a yellow coticle, sharpton 16k or 30k or naniwa 12k prior to the crom-ox to start... I don't wanna blow tons of $ on stones but I want something that is gonna be fairly easy to get the hang of and give me great edges w/ or w/o the crom-ox... I just stated it since I have it here.

Or should I have a 2 step to keep razors sharp? I probly will later dive into more in depth sharpening but probly not for a while or from scratch yet
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Barber hone is the best bang for the buck of the options you listed, followed by the naniwa 12K and Shapton glass 16K. The Coti being the most expensive for a decent stone. I really like the nani 12K. Also you should be able to find a barber's hone for near 20$.
The shapton 30K is overkill IMO
For a touch up stone, I've been reading here and at SRP and I'm stuck...

I have crom-ox .5 on my filly to hit before the leather...

should I use a yellow coticle, sharpton 16k or 30k or naniwa 12k prior to the crom-ox to start... I don't wanna blow tons of $ on stones but I want something that is gonna be fairly easy to get the hang of and give me great edges w/ or w/o the crom-ox... I just stated it since I have it here.

Or should I have a 2 step to keep razors sharp? I probly will later dive into more in depth sharpening but probly not for a while or from scratch yet

You really don't need a stone before the crox. I wouldn't bother with it.
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