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Touch Me, I think you might like it.

I was shopping in a small Indian grocery store, looking for Godrej, when I came across Touch Me. The shop keeper said it was Pakistani shaving cream. I was doubtful at first, but then thought, "Pakistani people must shave too" so I paid $2.95 and bought a tube. Anytime I find a new shaving product, I go gaga, even more so when it is named "Touch Me". So then, I did what any red blooded American man would do, I took it home and Googled it.

Anyway, I eventually shaved with it, it was a bit dry coming out of the tube, but it lathered really well. As I stood there in my shave den (crappy little bathroom) the first thought that came to my mind, other than "What the hell is so bad about Williams?" was that it smelled somewhat like Tabac if it was mixed in a bean bag ashtray with cigarette butts. Right then, I knew I was going to like this stuff.


Look at these wonderful sales bulletpoints, how could I not buy this!! It's "rich lather acts too swiftly even to hard and tough beard" and it "Contains the most modern antiseptic to prevent from being infected by becteria."

Now I don't know what BECTERIA is, but I sure as hell don't want to be infected by it.

Whoa! "Lather that acts too swiftly? I gotta get me some of that!


This just keeps getting better. I just found this commercial for it. I think this was Steven Spielberg's first commercial...ahhh, check that, upon further review it was actually directed by Marvin Spielberg. It is still destined to be a classic, maybe.


"Touch me...if you dare!"


Wanting for wisdom
Where I live there is an absolutely huge Indian population. I've been to dozens of stores here . . . many treasures found. I've not yet to find something related even tangentially to shaving. Not even something as basic as a alum block
It's not about the YMCA buddy. It's about what goes on in there.

It's not about the public bath...it's about what goes on in there. And this video is...awkwardly suggestive. :thumbup:
If it wasn't in such bad taste I'd post a reply link to the video for Gunther's "Ding Dong Song." A song I heard far too many times in college.
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