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TOBS Sandalwood

You can probably guess what this will be about before you read it. I have been using this product for a few weeks and have noticed a bit of a heat and irritation when I use it. Well I began shaving with a straight razor a few weeks ago (which unfortunately I think I am going to discard shaving with that but that is for another post isn't it?). I can tell you that with the closeness of that kind of shave I was broken immediately of the habit of using sandalwood anymore. The XTG and ATG have been utter hell for me since I started this. I am shaving too close I know but I do believe that I am either allergic or atleast highly irritated by sandalwood. Which really stinks for me since I like the scent so much. Oh well. To each his own I suppose. I love the lather. I just ordered some St James TOBS and it should work well. I hope its not the brand but I believe it has to do with the sandalwood as I've heard this complaint before.
I feel a little heat from any TOBS cream if I use too much: more than about 1.5-g. But I am fine if I use a little less. It may be their scent or it might be something else in the ingredients. Rare advice here, but you try using a little less and see if that helps.
I use TOBS sandalwood soap, and agree that there is something "strong" to it. I get a bit of tingle, but not enough to dissaude me. But I rarely use it more than two days in a row; just part of my rotation. If your skin is sensitive, I can understand where it could be a problem.
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