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ToBS Sandalwood soap/cream comparison


I have the Taylor of Old Bond Street sandalwood cream and I really enjoy the smell, but I think I'm more of a soap kind of guy. Can any of you that have both the sandalwood cream and soap tell me if there's any significant differences in the scents? Also, what about the shave stick scent/performance comparison to the others? Same as the soap?
I can't really tell the difference. If it makes a difference my wife prefers the soap. She has a much more developed and refined sense of smell than I do.

I have the Taylor of Old Bond Street sandalwood cream and I really enjoy the smell, but I think I'm more of a soap kind of guy. Can any of you that have both the sandalwood cream and soap tell me if there's any significant differences in the scents? Also, what about the shave stick scent/performance comparison to the others? Same as the soap?

I have the soap and cream (but not the stick). The fragrance of both is amazing and just about the same when lathered. The fragrance of the soap is about the same when not being lathered, but the cream is subdued.

I get slightly better shave performance from the cream, but that could be due to my technique.
I'll be going to the U.S. for a couple weeks later this week and think I'm going to place an order. I'm glad to hear people say the soap smells like the cream, I've heard some conflicting statements, and I ADORE the ToBS sandalwood cream smell :001_wub:. Sigh, I may just get both the soap and stick. I'm sure I'll end up getting both one day anyways. :001_rolle
I have used all 3. The cream and the stick smell the same, but the soap has a softer, more powdery scent. It's still the same basic scent but not as spicy and mossy. Lathered up, it's quite nice. I prefer it to the cream honestly.

The stick is different to most sticks. It's like a soft waxy glycerin soap. It goes on the face more easily than any stick I've used.
I have used all 3. The cream and the stick smell the same, but the soap has a softer, more powdery scent. It's still the same basic scent but not as spicy and mossy. Lathered up, it's quite nice. I prefer it to the cream honestly.

The stick is different to most sticks. It's like a soft waxy glycerin soap. It goes on the face more easily than any stick I've used.

How is the performance of the soap and stick?
Thanks for the replies! I went for just the soap, skipped the stick since I already have the cream, and also already have a Tabac shave stick for traveling.
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