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Tobacciana. What do you collect?

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
What tobacco related items do you collect or display?

I have a ton of cigar boxes laying around, but they aren't being displayed, as much as they are being horded, because I can't bring myself to throw them away. I also have a box that contains the band from almost every cigar I've smoked from the last 8 years.

I have collected 3 Kaywoodie and Yelo Bole Chinresters, that need to be cleaned up. I have no idea why I decided to buy them other than I thought they looked cool.

I have a framed Habanos Size Guide poster that was released in 2006 and shows every vitola Habanos S.A produced that year, minus LEs and the marca that they were made under. The cigars are printed to the actual size to it's a pretty big poster.

I really like that poster! cigars are becoming more intriguing to me every day..

I've been collecting pipes like a crazy person, lately. I also have a small collection of lighters that I've had for 20+ years, and have recently added a few more. I've picked up a couple of old pipe stands, and would like to find a few more.
I'm not sure if you guys remember, but i posted about a peterson estate pipe that I got off of ebay and was going to set about restoring it. I think someone said it was an african meer. Anyways, this thread brought it up and i went looking for it today and its nowhere to be found. I remember I started reaming it out, started sanding out some of the cake, and then left it for awhile hoping to get back to it, but now it just poofed on me lolz.

I've got probably 2 glove box full of bands. And also this book sitting on my desk that I haven't ever even opened.
$photo (21).jpg
I don't collect per se, but keep things around. I smoked a pipe on and off from maybe '62 into the '70's. Haven't smoked one since but have kept my dozen or so pipes and the assorted things that went with them. A couple of years ago I pulled my beloved gold Dunhill lighter from the mid '60's and ciagrette past out of the drawer, got it going and use it to light the Davidoff Long Panatellas that I turn to for a quick smoke. Have dug up a couple of old ashtrays and use them for cigars. Beyond that, I really try to resist the urge to collect any more of anything. I did save cigar bands for a while, but have knocked that down to putting them in a log book that that I am keeping. That said, I am working on a drawing/plan for a winter project; a craftsman style end table that will hold my old pipes, my humidors and any/all other smoking related things that I have.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Open up that book.

I still kick myself for not pulling the trigger on An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars when I could have had it for $100.00 Now it goes for about 5x that amount, and is way out of my price range.
Open up that book.

I still kick myself for not pulling the trigger on An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars when I could have had it for $100.00 Now it goes for about 5x that amount, and is way out of my price range.

I keep meaning to but for some reason havent yet, maybe I will with tonight's smoke if i have one.

Is the book your referring too the one by min ron nee? I've heard he is like some sort of super guru of guru's when it comes to knowledge on cigars.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Yeah that's the one. The book is beautiful, and even a non habanosophile could appreciate it. Apparently there is going to be a updated second edition released in early 2014 in 4 volumes. I've heard this from a good source, but I'm still taking it with a grain of salt. I've been hearing rumors of a second printing since 2005.
While I have been enjoying cigars since the mid 90s with a few years off here and there, I started throwing bands into these beer glasses over a year ago.


The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Besides the many 'coffee table' cigar books (from "World of Cigars" to "The Havana Cigar" to "Churchill Style"), Zippo's, ashtrays, a few posters, coin banks (no cigar store Indian just yet), [see my Images http://badgerandblade.com/gallery/browseimages.php?do=member&imageuser=31722], and posting cigars bands to my journal), the 'piece de resistance' is my Vintage (1950's), large Havana Cigar Cart / Bike (with 'real' rubber wheels. BTY, we also collect porcelain Hobo's, [18] but we haven't found that 'just right' Hobo to sit properly on this cart).


The dimensions are 20in length and 12in height! :thumbsup:
"Every passion borders on the chaotic, but the collector's passion borders on the chaos of memories". Walter Benjamin

PS Don't mind the dust...we're remodeling the house.

I just 'pulled the trigger' :2guns:on a Vintage German Porcelain Cigar Ashtray w/ matchstick motive "Ash" . Diameter of this tray is 44⅞in.

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I seem to collect lighters. I don't really intend to collect them, it's just that there are plenty that I see that I just can't resist buying. Sort of like DE razors... :biggrin1:
I seem to collect lighters. I don't really intend to collect them, it's just that there are plenty that I see that I just can't resist buying. Sort of like DE razors... :biggrin1:

I think I know this feeling. I have my eye on a Bugatti double flame lighter that is gorgeous. They're on cigarbid for like $15 (retail is $100) and I would LOVE to have one.
Like you I can't seem to throw away much. I save boxes, tubos, ring bands, pipe tins, etc. etc. I also have a cigar aficionados book that was my dad's, but it was written in the early 90's and comes off extremely pompous.
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