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To go straight razor or not to go straight razor


Needs milk and a bidet!
I've been a DE shaver for about a year now and I want to step up my game. Been thinking about going straight razor style. They just look so beautiful! Curious what you all think the pros and cons are.

On the other side I'm still perfecting my craft with the DE. Thoughts?

Biggest pro - no blades to buy, ever!

Biggest con - learning how to maintain the blade.

"Cool" factor is off the scale, and I found it extremely satisfying to learn a skill that almost nobody in today's world has. It is how my grandfather shaved . . . and I shaved this morning with one of his old razors!

One can get into straight shaving for a minimal investment through www.whippeddog.com . . . $58 for a razor and strop kit!!!

As an added bonus, I found that as I learned how to use a straight, my DE shaves improved as well. It is allowed to use both, and sometimes I do in the same shave!

BTW - welcome to B&B!! Enjoy your shaves!!
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since I moved to straights 95% of the time..cant remember the last time I needed more DE blades or a disposable razor in 5 years


Needs milk and a bidet!
Agrrrrr. I think brad just sold me on it. I mean the cool factor alone is why I'm all over it. "What kind of razor you use?" I use a straight razor. "A what?!" Yeah...that's right. Not only that but the fact that hardly anyone uses one anymore. It's an elite club I'd like the belong too.
Agrrrrr. I think brad just sold me on it. I mean the cool factor alone is why I'm all over it. "What kind of razor you use?" I use a straight razor. "A what?!" Yeah...that's right. Not only that but the fact that hardly anyone uses one anymore. It's an elite club I'd like the belong too.

don't forget the cookies.


highly recommend checking out whippeddog.com for one of Larry's starter kits - a shave ready razor, a poormans' strop and pretty much everything you need to get started!

either way, if you DO join the dark side, post about your first shaves, shoot me PM and I'll send cookies (pinky swear) :)
Like Nike says, Just Do It! Getting a professional hot lather straight razor shave was what got me interested in wet shaving in the first place. I've been DE shaving for a few months now and just tried my first straight shave. It was awesome. Not quite as close as I got on the professional shave but I don't have 40 years experience yet. :D I know I'll be moving over to straights for my face and DE for my head as soon as I buy a strop.


I used a Parker shavette for about a year and enjoyed it. Made the "money" plunge and bought a Feather. Which surpasses the Parker by leaps and bounds. Still, I am asking mrs. Clause, I mean my wife, for a whipped dog special for the holidays.
Cons: None.
Pros: Too many too list, but it's just plain awesome.
Seriously, I love straight razor shaving since I picked it up a couple of months ago. It is more time consuming, so I still use my DE on most mornings (workdays) and as a touch up device since I have to have an acceptable shave at all times (and I'm still getting the hang of it). Having said that, for me, it's the quintessential shaving experience. I started out with the whipped dog setup and can't recommend it highly enough. Now I'm looking for my second straight and a third straight on which to learn honing. Just do it. You won't regret it.
***, I never got cookies????

Yes, learning to straight shave is fantastic. I will caution you that the "cost savings" should not be a reason. IMO, there are few ADs worse than the ones available to you once you start straight shaving. (Razors, strops, hones). It's a slippery slope of madness, but many of us wouldnt trade it for anything.

Seriously though, where are my cookies?


Needs milk and a bidet!
You folks are great! I can say everyone agrees the whipped dog set up is the way to go so ill likely give that a try first before I plunge in to the madness of purchasing "better" accessories. I also need to get over the "fear" of a straight razor. Ya know....slicing my jugular, making myself scarface, taking a chunk out of my cheek. I remember the first time I nicked myself with my DE I didn't even realize it till my shirt collar was red. It was like my face was numb they are so sharp ya don't even feel it!
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