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Tivoli Audio

Hello everyone. I am wondering if any of you B&B'ers own any of the Tivoli audio radios. I have the Model two and model sub woofer. I bought them back in 2003 when it was $160. I really enjoy the little radio. It sounds fantastic for what it is and I enjoy the manual tuning with a knob. What do you think?
I have owned a Tivoli PAL for about three years. I initially bought it to use as a speaker for my iPod. The AM/FM reception I get is outstanding and I also like the large analog tuning knob. It is the essence of simplicity in design. Highest quality throughout.
I received a Tivoli SongBook as a Christmas present from my last employer. It's an outstanding radio. It sounds great and it picks up stations in my apartment that other radios cannot. It recharges rechargeable batteries when plugged into an AC outlet and it has a port to plug in my ipod. Best portable radio ever.
I use the Tivoli model two everyday. I love the "analog" feel to it and the fact it is real wood and not some glued on plastic wood. The radio is not about being loud or "jammin", or having a house party. It is about great sound in a small package. My uncle has a Bose Wave Radio and this Tivoli will mop the floor with it. I have an un-powered V antenna hooked to it and it will pick up several clear stations. I wonder what it would do with an external house mounted unit? I would like to add the Model CD to the setup one of these days. I have owned the radio six years now and have not had a moments trouble with it.
Based on advice from good folks here, I have the Model Three with companion speaker. Crystal clear sound, great ability to tune in stations (even with local mountains), input for connection to the audio on my PC -- I'm a very happy customer.
I have a Model Two and a Pal.

Very nice sound...the Model Two almost picks up too many stations...I have a hard time locking onto the station I want sometimes.
I miss Henry Closs, he was a true audio designer. I have also owned some of his other items that he designed such as the Cambride Soundworks "Soundworks" speakers and they sounded nice as well. I am not sure where they are now. :( I have also heard but do not own the Model 88 radio that he made and that sounded good, however I prefer the stereo seperation of the Tivoli Model two.
I listen to my model one every morning. Even bought one as a gift for my mom. Great radio -- excellent tuner and big sound out of a tiny footprint. I'd highly recommend it.
I haven't heard the Tivoli. I keep a Kloss Model 88 with an old portable Panasonic CD player as a source for music in my office. It sounds a whole lot better than my office computer, which is "musically unsophisticated."
I've been using a model 3 as my alarm clock for a couple years...I love it. It looks very cool and sounds great. I've thought about getting the extra speaker and sub a few times, but never pulled the trigger.
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