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I'm getting better and better using a straight razor for the sides and neck area but I'm not improving much on the chin and particularly on the upper lip area.

I don't seem to be able to do much to actually cut into that area. I end up widening the angle and then of course I'm just scraping or I try to drag the blade away from the face at a 30 degree angle (much like you would do in stropping) which doesn't work either.

The blade is sharp enough for everywhere else and I believe sharpness isn't the problem. The razor that I used today was sharpened by Larry at Whipped Dog. I'm assuming it's technique but I just can't get the blade to cut well in those areas if I apply the same technique that I use on the sides of my face (30 degrees or less).

I'm sure the overall answer is to just practice more but I've been doing this for about a month now. If there are any more specific techniques I'd love to hear them.
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Scraping is good. And then second pass go rightway and leftway from nose to chick. And its finished. Just try to strech it as much as possible. If you are not satisfied use a DE razor. It always does the trick. I am trying to say that it is not a big problem if you have overcome the chin then the upper lip will come along soon.
I've noticed that the "better" I get in the mustache and chin area the more nicks I end up with! Today I was able to not use a DE for touch-up except for the mustache area but I had a few "bleeder nicks" up there and decided to lightly touch-up only using an electric razor.

I'm starting to get the technique of those two areas which for me is mainly watching the blade angle, the way the hair grows and using short strokes.

I think I will just use an electric razor on the upper lip area for a week or so to give the nicks time to fully heal so that I don't open them back up as my learning curve continues. At least I can now see it's possible. I think today was the first time I got a really smooth shave using on the straight razor everywhere except the upper lip area (and that wasn't bad either).

There is one thing that is puzzling when watching the YouTube shaving videos. It looks like some people are able to shave the chin (and upper lip) with just one smooth long stroke. Either their razor is a lot sharper than mine (and I'm kind of doubting that at this point) or their face is just more angular and even than mine (and of course I'm sure their technique is better than mine).
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