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Time for a new razor.

I am ready to move on from my Merkur 180. In an expert opinion would it be too soon for me to step up to a slant bar type razor? What would the experts here recommend? I am not interested in a vintage razor just a modern type razor.
I have a Tradere SB that I really like. It was my first modern razor after the 180, and I couldn't be happier with its performance and looks.
Pretty sure the only difference is in the handle. The 39 handle is pretty thick, roughly 4" long and puts the weight balance a bit more toward the back. I haven't tried the 37, but I believe it has the same handle as the HD, around 3.25" long and might be a little slimmer than the 39's. The balance of the 37 is probably more toward the head than the 39.

My personal experience with the 39: it isn't the end-all-be-all of safety razors, but it is definitely an excellent razor and worth giving a try. If you're comfortable with the length of the 180, you might want to try the 39 first. It will probably be heavier than what you're used to, but it might be more familiar than the shorter handled 37 – just my 2¢.
(roughly speaking) There are no experts, only varying degrees of experience... and we're all different, with some overlapping similarities... and you know all of this. :) I'm pretty confidant in opining. It's a pleasure reading all of the stories. :)...but in the end; Buy what piques your interest, what intrigues you. Have the experience, and take it from there. How else to really know?
It all comes down to proper preparation and technique. With those, you can get a good shave with "just about" any razor. With that in mind, go for any razor you have the inclination to try.
I think a slant would be a great choice for trying something new. They are not as scary as they look. I find the 37c to be very intuitive.... don't exactly know why, but the slants just seem to work easily for me. I haven't used a 39c and I agree with the above that from what I can see the main difference is in the handle. Both can be bought new and are relatively inexpensive. Go for it!

I think a slant would be a great choice for trying something new. They are not as scary as they look. I find the 37c to be very intuitive.... don't exactly know why, but the slants just seem to work easily for me. I haven't used a 39c and I agree with the above that from what I can see the main difference is in the handle. Both can be bought new and are relatively inexpensive. Go for it!


I've had the same experience. My first two shaves with the slant were not successful because I was basically afraid of it and used it hesitantly. On the third I "just plain shaved", and now I use it more than half the time. Blade angle doesn't seem to be as critical, nor blade choice, and I get great shaves. I use the 37c
My modern experience with DE started with a 180 too. I started in 1968 (age 11 - I have a very coarse beard) with a DE and then went to carts and just "came home" a little over a year ago. I outgrew the 180 after a couple months and bought a Weber which I love. I picked up a 37C on the BST a few months ago and held off on it until December so I would have more experience under my belt. I shouldn't have waited. It is easy to use and it gives great shaves. Like any any razor you're new to, go easy for the first few times until you know it and you'll be fine.
My first razor was the Merkur 180 as well. I love it and it is still my go-to razor for the time being. I also purchased the 39C. It is quite a bit heavier than the 180. The handles are about the same length, but the 39C has a wider handle which also adds to its overall weight.
Thanks to all for the great advice. I will be buying my slant tonight and cannot wait to give it a try.
Not at all. I think the slant will be a great fit for you. JUst shave with it as you would any DE razor, but be sure to lay off the pressure.
One last question before I pull the trigger. Is the head on the 37c and the 39c the same? Is the only difference the handles?

I just bought: 'Merkur HD Slant Safety Razor 37C' by Merkur
www.amazon.comThis HD razor is especially recommended for those with thick, tough beards. Because the blade sits on a slant in the razor head with one side raised higher than the other, the edge slices away each bristle as it passes through the beard, offering a slightly more aggressive shave than the standard HD. The Merkur Slant requires very delicate pressure on the face, and the additional focus on technique this razor...
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Just go for it. If you're already in the aquisition disorder boat, you will be shortly. So if you're thinking about getting one, you will eventually. Save yourself the time, cut out the middle-man, and order it. Everything that I have thought about maybe, someday, possibly, if circumstances permit, the moon is in the right phase, etc needing has already ended up in my shave cave. OOOH! That reminds me. I don't have a Hoffritz. Off to ebay....
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