So I've been playing around with my vintage thurry, and I've been wondering...
Slurry on my Thurry... lots, little, none?
I currently use a slurry stone from a different thurry, (harder stone) and start with a fairly thick slurry, diluting it as I go, until I finish with just water.
I guess you could say I'm using some bastard version of the "unicot" method, I tend to use about three stages; thick, thinner and no slurry.
I've done a couple of searches, and found reference to using no slurry, and talk of thurry's being no good for setting bevels as they don't function the way coti's do.
I'm curious to hear about other's methods or thoughts or experiments, particularly in regards to slurry and how it functions or is different from other types of stones.
To clarify: how do I get the most from this stone?
Slurry on my Thurry... lots, little, none?
I currently use a slurry stone from a different thurry, (harder stone) and start with a fairly thick slurry, diluting it as I go, until I finish with just water.
I guess you could say I'm using some bastard version of the "unicot" method, I tend to use about three stages; thick, thinner and no slurry.
I've done a couple of searches, and found reference to using no slurry, and talk of thurry's being no good for setting bevels as they don't function the way coti's do.
I'm curious to hear about other's methods or thoughts or experiments, particularly in regards to slurry and how it functions or is different from other types of stones.
To clarify: how do I get the most from this stone?