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Three Shaves in

Well, things seem to be going well. No nicks or irritation, but the shaves are not smooth at all. I seem to have a lot of stubble left over after each shave. Maybe I am not stretching enough, or maybe I have dulled the razor (it is the one I learned to strop on)...either way, I am having fun.

I have two freshly honed razors on the way and a CrOx strop from Rayman...:thumbup:
... No nicks or irritation, but the shaves are not smooth at all...

No nicks or irritation, you're doing pretty good! As long as you are cutting hair. Experiment with angles to get better reduction. I'm finding its very different compared to DE shaving, and am still learning.
How many passes are you attempting. When I started, I was completing a WTG pass only and found that there was much stubble left behind. Once I worked in an ATG or XTG pass - big difference.
How many passes are you attempting. When I started, I was completing a WTG pass only and found that there was much stubble left behind. Once I worked in an ATG or XTG pass - big difference.

I am doing two passes, but I am holding off on straight shaving until I get two freshly honed razors. I feel like I am applying too much pressure with a dull-er razor.
Hey, I'm about five shaves in and having the opposite problem. I get decently smooth shaves (although I could do better with my DE), but I get nicked to hell! I seems like I'm doing the angle right and all of that... my only concern is maybe I'm not stretching enough? My skin is already so wet and full of cream, it can be hard to pull taut in some areas...
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