Watch this internet ad for the Gillette/Braun BodyCruzer. Now I didn't know I was supposed to be shaving under my pits as well!
Watch this internet ad for the Gillette/Braun BodyCruzer. Now I didn't know I was supposed to be shaving under my pits as well!
My friends and I had a debate about this. The group consisted of men and women. My argument is that I would feel like less of a man if I had no chest hair. I'm not sayin' that I need to look like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons but what hair I do have should be there. I know some women go for the hairless boy look, but I can't get myself to buy into it. What happened to the days of Sean Connery sporting chest hair while he played Bond? He was the ultimate sex symbol and sometimes, that image still makes women swoon today.
What are your thoughts gents? and ladies?
As a body shaver, this looks oh so gimmicky.
The way I see it. How is it that shaving your face makes you a all together sort of guy on the right track, but continuing those razor strokes further below your neckline and all of a sudden you just lost all your manliness. Or the symbol of such a trait.
Would not having a beard separate you from the boys too? How come it is different.
There are actual reasons some people shave. Sports, odor control, or me. Keeps me cooler in motorcycle leathers. Also keeps me more dry. I live in the desert.
Agreed. There are reasons to shave, drag in swimming comes to mind. If there is a purpose for it, no manliness lost (mostly). When it is done for vanity purposes, major loss in manliness. In the posted commercial, there is an obvious allusion to the woman liking a "shaved man", and is just marketing, and trying to create an expected body image for us. Manly men don't change to "get women". They either like us as we are, or move on sister. You're like buses, there's another one along every five minutes.
All of my girlfriends prefer well groomed men. And to not get into to much detail, a few have even liked helping out.
Expected body image? Unless you live on a beach, or walk around topless... no one is going to notice. Not in all cases, but many women are also less visually dependent when it comes to attraction. I do not think a woman is going to break it off with you because they do not like your chest.
Not the women that are worth it. Attraction is also fleeting. Once the initial phase is over, you need more than the surface to have a lasting relationship anyway.
In reference to my earlier post, what is Gillette selling? A body image that requires more use of their products. There are some folks that are naturally hairless/less hairy than others. Gillette is not marketing to these people. Therefore, they are trying to create a body image that is considered acceptable in order to sell their products. That's what marketing is about.
As far as women are concerned, I do trim areas other than my face, and yes, from a consideration standpoint, I return the favor that I expect. But as far as the chest hair goes, it's staying. I don't know about you, but for me, it's alot of real estate! Does it make me more manly? No. What makes me more manly is the fact that I am comfortable and confident just as I am. At the end of the day, guys with hairy chests end up with the women that like that, and guys that are hairless get the ones that like that. All a part of natural selection.
This is a serious question, so don't take offense. You mentioned shaving because it is more comfortable with bike leathers on. I can understand this. When it cools off in the winter, are you apt to leave it?