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This is for all you who never get out of the Clown House

Hey Clownies... not enough of you are represented...... Follow Lou's lead and get off the fence..... It's probably the best thing you can do today !!!!!!!
I stepped it up as a rep for the Clown House and pitched in my bit.

Any of you other guys care to join me?

It's really inspirational to see how we can come together as a group and be a force for good in the world.
O.K. Ladies and Gents, some of us have participated.
Those who have thanks!
For those who are on the fence some more incentive.

For those who think that this is a woman's issue, please note that medical developments and discoveries not only help the area of study, in this case breast cancer, but could reveal treatments for all types of cancer and even other diseases. Many major discoveries, treatments and cures for one disease were discovered while working on a totally unrelated cause.

So give a little for the cause. You will be glad you did!
Ok so NJPaddy isn't much of a shave stick guy and has kindly passed on the baton in a manner of speaking.
So two more sticks left up for grabs. Let's get those donations in!

Come on folks. Two more shave sticks to be given away by the Internationally renown Barber-Eile (at least on B&B). Now that is a deal in and of itself.

BTW - The PIFs aren't a bad incentive either.
Come on Guys (and ladies) not enough clownies represented.......click on Remembering Sue below
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