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This is fantastic - I wish I could go back ten years

I remember my Dad bought me a "toy plastic razor kit" when I was about 5 (49 yrs ago!!), when my son was about 5 (25 now) I looked for that kind of toy kit for him, but never managd to find one...I wonder if he would appreciate the humour if I got him one today...



First Class Citizen
I had something like this about 60 years ago. As I recall, it used cardboard "blades."

Completely forgot about it until now. Thanks for posting.
I bought that same kit for my son when he was 2 or so and he is 4 and still uses it to this day when in the bath. I've even helped him whip up lather with the brush. Now he tells his younger brother (9 months) to be careful with the plastic razor because he could cut himself.
Does anyone know if the brush in this kit is "real", in the sense that it has small hairs? Or is it just a piece of plastic formed as a brush knot? I can't decide what it looks like.
Does anyone know if the brush in this kit is "real", in the sense that it has small hairs? Or is it just a piece of plastic formed as a brush knot? I can't decide what it looks like.

oh no........dont.... :)
I am not going to use it for myself. I was contemplating buying my nephews some cheap Omega Syntex brushes and LORD razors instead, if this was too far from the real thing. :lol:
I bought my five year old son a VDH kit and he "shaves" with a bladeless '66 tech. His total kit cost well under $20, and he started his own little den. He builds his own lather with gusto and purpose. He manages enough for his version of a three pass shave, so who am I to judge? I'm searching for a plastic straight, but no luck so far.
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