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This is a very nice place.


B&B's Man in Italy
Happy to hear you like B&B!:001_smile
Regarding Merkur, it's simply my favourite DE razor brand!
Welcome to the show! Funny how so many new members gravitate to Merkur.

"Give ME that old time religion", Oh, I mean those OLD vintage Gillettes, every time.

Happy Shaving
Welcome to the show! Funny how so many new members gravitate to Merkur.

"Give ME that old time religion", Oh, I mean those OLD vintage Gillettes, every time.

Happy Shaving
I have fond memories of my Grandfather shaving with that old Gillette double edge razor. Merkur takes it to the next level with blade adjustment. plus it's like old world keeping up with the times :)

Antique Hoosier

Yes, it is a very fun and friendly corner of the world wide web we have here. It is a wealth of knowledge of not only all things shaving but other Gentleman's pursuits.... Welcome and please let us know how things progress for you! As you can easily see we have members from the world over which makes for interesting and informative posts.


Wanting for wisdom
Welcome. The place has depth as well. It is fun to check out the various forums. A very gentlemanly place as well. There are arguments and disagreements but the good folk here keep things civil . . . and the moderators keep on top of things that go too far.
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