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This can't be rust, but what is it?

When I got done shaving with my new Joris razor today, only my second shave with it. I noticed what looked like large rust spots on the blade and the razor. The blade is a Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow. I don't think it's the blade or razor. Could it be that wax type stuff they put on the blade?
I having been using the 7 O'Clock very long so I don't know if this is normal. Has anyone else seen this? Please put my mind at ease.


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the blade may have developed some rust spots and transferred residue to the razor head.

wipe the razor off and it should be good to go.

i've seen it happen with an Astra recently after a shave or 2 with it.
I've noticed the Blues and the Yellows have an issue with what seems to be corrosion on the inner part of the blade. More so than other blades I've used. It doesn't seem to affect the shave or the razor in my experience. I just wiped off the razor when I was done with the blade.
If your blade is rusting you might want to just quickly dip/soak your razor w/ blade in rubbing alcohol for a minute or so and I don't think the blade will rust afterwards.
I just took out the 7 O'Clock yellow blade and wiped it good. Then I looked at it under a 10x glass. It is rusting for sure. I just bought a 100 Astra blades. I hope they don't do the same, seeing they are both made in the same place.
Had the same with some of my stainless steel razors, I now take any blade that I'm not familiar with out after a shave. I know from experience that the blades I normally use don't have that issue.
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