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Thinking of trading my #15 Aristocrat... advise please

Hi all

I've been hit hard by the SE bug... currently using a Gem Jewel every day which is amazing for me. I used to use my #15 every day, but haven't used it for a month or so, and when I went back to try it I really struggled. I'm kind of thinking that I should just stick to what is working really well for me - SE, and passing my #15 on to someone else... I know they are highly sought after!

My question is this - what would be a reasonable trade for a #15? I'm really interested in getting a lather catcher (so long as it takes modern SE blades), but in terms of dollar value the #15 is higher than a lather catcher. So I'm assuming I should be looking for a lather catcher plus something else.... blades, creams etc? What do you think would be a reasonable request to make? The #15 is in good condition... a few pics attached, taken in Nov last year. It is mechanically sound, just a few small markings on the head as you can see in the pics. How would I describe the quality of this?

I'm tempted to say to swap it for one of my #16s, only use one side of it and you've got an SE.... :001_tt2:

Then again I'm so attached to my #16s...........I just can't bring myself to get let them go...... ( bloody RAD )

Trick first is probably to find someone willing to swap a lather catcher ( or whatever else you really want ) with you and then work out the trade from there based on condition , value etc of both razors.

Or sell the #15 and then BUY a lather catcher


Dunno if that really helps you.......:wink2:
Hey Richard, Ian. Depends. LC are expensive, and they are dirt cheap. Lots to do with luck. When i found my 'kit' Lather Catcher I was INCREDIBLY lucky and got from ebay from USA to Ox for under $10AU. The kit included spring blade dispensor, promo inserts between the blades (wrapped), handle extender/stropper and box. I've seen ones like it with ornate engraving go for the sum a lovely #15 and in some cases, more.

Good luck in your decision - I know how hard it is to 'release' nice bits of a collection
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Have you actually shaved with a lather catcher? I'd stick to the Aristocrat. They are beautiful pieces of engineering and I love owning my Star lather catcher but I've shaved with it and it's pretty average. If you're after a good shaving and collectable SE, have a look for either the '46/'47 Schick Christmas Edition with the real gold plated handle or the International Silver Paul Revere Schick or even the Golden 500 Schick.
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