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Thinking about a Chubby 2 in Best

First off this will be my first Simpson. How soft is the Best Badger compared to the 2 band Super? How is the lather release and backbone? I am a 2 band man, but at the price and availability of the Chubby 2 super two band, I think I will start with the Best.

Thanks for any feedback.
IMO Simpson Best is kind of hit and miss for skritch, I'v had them be almost as skritchy as pure, and almost as soft as supper. Most seem to be slightly skritchy after break in though. Some people love it, some hate it. My Chubby 2 two band was rather soft, but it had a very slight skritch/tippy backbone feel to it. I liked it much more than any best I have owned, and it was not rough on the skin. I'd call it softer than all but one of the best brushes I used. The new batch of two band is reported to be softer now, but I cant comment directly here. As for flow threw and release both are going to be dense brushes, but my older two band loaded and lathered amazingly. Flow threw was also great, especially for a brush of that density. I face lather, and feel like I get better backbone, loading, and flow threw out of two bands than what I get out of three bands, but the only Chubby three band I have uses are three different Chubby 3's in Super.

I think most people seem to love or hate Simpson best brushes, so if you like a touch of skritch, the best will most likely be a great brush for you. Though, if your a two band guy (like myself) I'd say save for the the other one, its a really great brush.
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I vote for the 2 band... (no surprise)
Simpson's "best" hair is scritchy to me and to most people and as stated above, it does vary from brush to brush. Simpson's 2 and 3 band Super are both soft on the face and both have superb backbone, but the density makes them lather hogs. I would go for the two band in the Chubby ll vs best. It will be worth the xtra $$$.
I have several Simpsons...including the Chubby 2 Best. Mine has worked out extremely well; although I would tend to look for one pre-owned as opposed to getting hammered with the new Simpson MAP pricing program. My Chubby 2 Best is not as "soft" as my Chubby 3 Super, Thater 4292/6, Shavemac D01, etc...but, it has incredible density, it hugs your face and it was, to my understanding, one of the preferred brushes of Mr. Simpson himself.

I have used "scritchy" brushes (Semogue SOC 2 Band comes to mind), the Chubby 2 is not even remotely as scritchy as that one.
I have a Chubby 2 Best and love it. Fantastic brush for face lathering. LOTS of hair and extremely dense. I don't find the flow-through as good as other brushes, but that's ok when I'm really scrubbing it in. I also have a Chubby 1 in 3 Band Super. I can't tell much difference in the feel of the brushes, only slightly softer tips on the Chubby 1 Super. Save the money and get the Best. You'll love it and it is a huge step up from other 'normal grade' brushes. Also consider the Duke 3. I prefer it's handle better than the Chubby and it has a bit better flow through.
The Chubby 2 in best is a great brush (I am a 2-band man myself but love this brush), it does have some scritch to it but not an uncomfortable scritch. The density gives it good backbone and makes it a scrubby brush, it does indeed hug your face as mentioned by others, there is just so much hair. I believe that with the Chubby 2 you can get any of the available options of hair (Best, 2-band super, 3-band super, or Manchurian) and be extremely happy!
Also I wanted to say; Claus you are CRAZY!!! You have beautiful brushes, brushes mere mortals only dream of, enjoy them to their fullest!
Well I should probably mention that my daily brush is a 26mm Thater 2 Band. Thing is I want to like that Simpson if I get it, I am just afraid I won't..........Bah who am I kidding I just need to do it. If I don't like it I can always stick it on the BST for someone who will.

Thanks for all of the input guys! Much Appreciated.
I may predict that it will not dethrone your Thäter 2 Band... Those are simply outstanding... But it will add variety to the stable...


B&B's Man in Italy
I love my Chubby 2 Best, plenty of backbone, density and soft tips - not "luxuriously" soft as the Super 3 band, but not scritchy either.
I love my Chubby 2 Best, plenty of backbone, density and soft tips - not "luxuriously" soft as the Super 3 band, but not scritchy either.

Definitely love the Chubby 2 Best. A veritable wet shaving classic. All face latherers should own one at some point.
I would spend the extra dough for the Chubby 2 in 2-band, this way you know you're getting a great brush. It is a fantastic brush, maybe a bit of a hog, but the tips are soft and combined with the backbone it is a treat. Don't judge the softness of the tips when the brush is dry, wet them first with some hot water and luxuriate in it.

PS, the Duke 3 in 2-band is less expensive than the Chubby 2, and a bit smaller, but also a great brush for the same reasons stated above.
I would go for the Best grade regardless of price. (The quality is top notch and consistent (yesterday I received my Duke 3 in Best- and yep- I was not disappointed).
I have a CH2 Best that is quite soft. However, its density does make it a lather hog.
I ordered a Chubby 2 two band. Sadly it arrived with an "issue" and has been sent to the Isle of Man for rectification.
Looking forward to its return.

Jon. Most everything you try will be second fiddle to the Thater two band. They are simply suberb.
I ordered a Chubby 2 two band. Sadly it arrived with an "issue" and has been sent to the Isle of Man for rectification.
Looking forward to its return.
May i know what issue with that Chubby which need rectification? :confused1
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