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Things you could conceivably shave with instead of soaps or creams

I remember reading where Barry Goldwater said peanut butter made pretty good shaving cream, if you didn't mind smelling like peanut butter for two days.

On Youtube I ran across someone who did shave with peanut butter and found that it was kinda tough to rinse off his razor.
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OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I read somewhere (and for the life of me I can't remember where) about a guy who's father used to shave with lard. As a kid this guy could not work out why his dog was so much fonder of his father each morning than himself.
Cold cream, lard, vaseline... heck, you could even use motor oil or cooking oil.

Now... those are things you could shave with... no guarantees on the cleanup or impact on your skin.
What abo utility WD40 ? I've been curious but didn't wanna say anything cause I always end up being the test guy

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
You wouldn't want your razor to stick to the roof of your mouth. Ixnay on the eanutbutterpay.

I have shaved with cream rinse / conditioner. It worked better than kool whip. (don't bother trying that one.)
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When I was in the field once for the military I shaved with a disposable and used spit to shave with. When I was in a hurry, before DE, I used to shave in the shower using hair conditioner on my face. It worked really well.
I read somewhere (and for the life of me I can't remember where) about a guy who's father used to shave with lard. As a kid this guy could not work out why his dog was so much fonder of his father each morning than himself.


Coconut oil is supposed to be good for the skin. I have some and will try shaving with it - if I can work out at what temperature it turns liquid!
Coconut oil is supposed to be good for the skin. I have some and will try shaving with it - if I can work out at what temperature it turns liquid!

It is very good for your skin! It turns to liquid around 74-76 degrees. I have used it as a preshave balm/oil and as an aftershave balm/oil. Shaving with it alone would work as long as you used water over the melting point so that it gets rinsed out of your razor. It def wouldn't work good for a Cold Water Shave!
A lot of the Nancy Boy products have essence of cucumber and herbs, makes me think that shaving with tzatziki might be possible.
The liquid hand soap in the restroom at work got the job done. The hand sanitizer didn't do so well as an aftershave though.
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