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Thiers-Issard La Mouette 7/8 Rams horn.

Received my new TI La Mouette 7/8 Rams horn Straight today. This is a Straight made by Thiers-Issard after instruction from a Lady living at a small island called Fitjar in Norway. Her name is Jorunn, and she runs a place called Fitjarsoaps.no, selling her own shaving soaps and creams, aftershave lotions etc. She made some drawings of a lighthouse and a seagull after inspiration from the view from her own vindow and sent them to Thiers-Issard in France. What she got back was some beautiful Straight razors with her own drawings in gold on the blade. These razors are called La Mouette, and is only sold through Jorunn at Fitjarsoaps.

This Straight was sent from Jorunn to a Norwegian Honemeister before I got it. I shaved with it today, and it was a wonderful shave. The "singing" hollow ground blade of the razor made the shaving experience even better. The result was a real BBS in 4 passes with touchups.

The quality of the razor seems to me to be the best. After shaving mostly with safety razors like the Merkur 39C slant sledgehammer the last year, I now shave almost exclusively with Straights, the proud feeling of getting a super close shave in the way my Grandfathers father shaved is really fantastic.
Thank you Gentlemen, it is a great shaver, quite a bit larger than anything I have shaved with before, but no problems, just joy and clean skin:)
That's one beautiful blade :thumbup:. Congratulations

And congratulations on becoming an exclusive straight shaver...Don't ignore the DE entirely...take them out for a spin once in awhile :001_smile

I tried the Fitjar website, but don't see it listed.

I did not see it on the international site either, but if you enter "Nettbutikk" and then "barberkniver" on the Norwegian site you will find it. I know she has one left (at least two days ago) of my Straight. It has a darker kind of Rams horn than the one I got. Several other nice TI razors as well. If you send an E-mail to Jorunn, I know she will answer within a short time.
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