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The worst movie you ever watched.

After spending an entire decade asleep, I finally forced myself to watch an entire movie. It was Hammer Film's The Woman in Black. This movie was so incredibly boring that I was hoping Chuck Norris' character from Silent Rage would pop up to add a little comic relief.
"Message From Space!" (1978)

Wife and I were living in Japan in an off-base home that had no air conditioning. So we would go to the movies just to enjoy the AC! The movies at the base theater were always terrible.

Saw the second worst movie I ever saw, there, also. "The Villian", although Ann Margaret was hot!
I haven't read the whole thread, but it seems that people disliked movies for very different reasons. There's can be difference between the worst movie of all time and the most entertaining bad movie of all time.

:blush: Guilty pleasure
:001_smile Loved it
:blink: I don't know why I liked this, but I did
:bored: Not what I'd call bad...
:blush: Rubbed me the wrong way

Plan Nine from Outer Space ***:blush:
1984 **
Sharknado**1/2 :blush:
Exorcist 2 **1/2 :bored:
Battlefield Earth *1/2
Superman 4 *1/2
Human Centipede *** :blink:
Godfather 3 **
Death Becomes Her *** :bored:
Blair Witch Project ***1/2 :blink:
Vanishing Point **
Chariots of Fire **1/2
Mel Brooks Men in Tights *1/2 :blush:
8mm *** :blink:
The Great Gatsby 2013 **1/2 :blush:
Seven Psychopaths **
Big Lebowski **1/2
Brokeback Mountain *** :bored:
Striptease *
Gravity **** :001_smile
Accidental Tourist **
They Live ***1/2 :blush:
The Color Purple *** :bored:
Natural Born Killers ***
Moulin Rouge ** :blush:
Scary Movie **
Killing Me Softly **
Avatar **1/2 :bored:
Olympus Has Fallen *** :blush:
Eyes Wide Shut *** :bored:
Magnolia **1/2
Zero Dark Thirty ***1/2 :001_smile
Hunt for Red October **1/2 :bored:
Amistad *** :bored:
Clan of the Cave Bear **
Machete *** :blush:
Legally Blonde **
Ted *** :bored:
12 Monkeys **
Pulp Fiction **** :001_smile
Troll 2 *
V for Vendetta ** :blush:
Terms of Endearment ** :blush:
Cable Guy **
Fire Walk with Me **1/2
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians *
Pirates of the Carribbean ***
Lord of the Rings **1/2 :bored:
Zardoz **
The Goonies ** :blush:
Waterworld **
Eraserhead **** :001_smile
Tropic Thunder ***
Strange Brew *** :bored:
The Thin Red Line **1/2
The Wicker Man *1/2 :blush:
Life Force **1/2 :blush:

Which goes show that there may be a difference between a bad movie, a movie you hate, a good movie you hate in spite of ourself, and a good movie.
:blush: Guilty pleasure
:001_smile Loved it
:blink: I don't know why I liked this, but I did
:bored: Not what I'd call bad...
:blush: Rubbed me the wrong way

You used the same smiley twice, that's a little bit confusing ;)

Anyways, 2 movies that come to mind for making me go :blink: throughout the entire movie (smiley translation: "What the hell am I watching??"), are Freddy Got Fingered and Hobo With A Shotgun. But the latter is probably great for people who love the grindhouse genre.

Another bad movie is Mortal Kombat Annihilation. The first movie is a big guilty pleasure of mine, but the second one is just ... urgh, bad.
I went through a phase where I deliberately watched the worst movies I could find with friends, seeking unintended hilarity. Some were funny, some were boring, some were absolutely hilarious.

One was truly unbearable. It was just bad, with no redeeming features whatsoever: Alien 51.
Ok, here's a few new additions-
Alien vs Predator: Requiem. It's so awful, so over-the-top gonzo gore-drenched insane, that I love it. The scene in the maternity ward just tickles the blackest depths of my soul. If you're going to sentence your brain to this crazy carnival of carnage, go all the way and get the unrated director's cut. Take no prisoners.
Sharknado and Sharknado 2. What just happened to my brain? I....I... I don't even know what to say. Ghost Shark is even worse, and I'm not even sure if that's legal.
Almost any movie with Will Ferrell is guaranteed to put a scowl on my face. I don't know why, but I just can't stand his buffoonery. Stepbrothers caused me to take a very long walk in the rain just to get away from it.
The scene with the bunk bed collapsing was funny but on the whole, I find Will Ferrell films the worst, just hate them.
Ok, here's a few new additions-
Sharknado and Sharknado 2. What just happened to my brain? I....I... I don't even know what to say. Ghost Shark is even worse, and I'm not even sure if that's legal.

If you're going with sharks, we can't forget Sharktopus and Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda!
Street Trash. It was boring unfunny and made me feel dirty. Homeless people melting and playing catch with someone's sack...
My nomination for the worst is:

RoboCop (1987)

​Honorable mention goes to:

  • Dune
  • Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
  • Titanic (1997)
  • Idiocracy (The truth of it is truly painful!)
  • All movies starring Leslie Nielsen
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Popeye (1980) The version with Robin Williams.
  • Smokey and the Bandit 2
  • Smokey and the Bandit 3
  • Twister (1996)
  • Night of the Twisters (1996) (TV Movie)
  • All Michael Moore films
The worst movie that has ever been imprinted on film is Necromentia (2009). I watch bad/b rated/zombie/slasher movies with my pals in order to laugh with how bad the movies actually are. With this we (5 person who usually laugh) were stunned in absolute silence. It is so bad, that I don't even recommend it to the people I absolutely despise, for no one should be subjected to this abomination. The movie has literally NOTHING going for it.
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