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The Terrible Tail of the Shedding Shavemac

Hey B&B,

I've had a Shavemac silvertip badger brush for several months and its been in regular use for the entire time. Its definatly broken in, but recently, I've noticed it shedding one or two hairs each shave consistently. Any thoughts on what could be causeing this? Are brushes sometimes defective? I got this one from WCS.

The Nuclear Shaver
Photos of the brush could be helpful in figuring out why yours are shedding, I own 4 Shavemacs, two for ~14 months and two others ~10 months, I don't think I've lost more than 18-20 hairs for all 4 brushes and that was during the first couple of weeks. How long has it been shedding, every lather since the first? did it stop and start again and did you clean your brush & what did you use? another thing to consider is how much pressure you use while building and applying lather, too much pressure will lead to hairs breaking and shedding.
I have a Thater that shed a few hairs every shave and took forever to settle down, but it finally has. Sometimes it is a defect, though. I'm sure WCS has a good policy about this. You might let them know about it, but stay with it for a bit longer and see how it goes.
No worries sir. My custom D03 shavemac shed 5-6 hairs every day with daily use for a year, then it stopped shedding. I think Bernd packs his brushes so generously that the shedding is a byproduct of that. No need to do anything but use the brush. You bought a winner! The shedding will stop in time, enjoy!
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