What's new

The state of Proraso Green.

1] Is the new formulation considered good? Does it get as much love as the old formulation?

2] Do we have a choice between the old and new, or has the old Proraso been discontinued?

Thanks in advance for the info.
The old is discontinued but there are probably enough old stashes somewhere, if you must have it.
I shaved today with the new Proraso in the green tub, mixed up with Arko Ice Mint shaving cream, c-c-c-cold! :velva2:
Even though I shaved with a new and fairly aggressive razor (Fatip) is was one of my better shaves.
There are two stores here in my city that carry proraso, one still has a ton of old soap and the other has a combination of both. as an aside, they covered over the new label with the old style label for some reason. I noticed the new tubs were matte instead of glossy so that's how I saw the new label underneath.

As for the new formulation, I find there isn't the same amount of menthol and it doesn't seem to lather quite the same, but the shave feels the same. I did a side by side comparison of the ingredients and they seem to be the same for the first few anyway.
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