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The Sharpest Lot

My shaves have gotten far better using a sharper blade, but the Feathers are pretty pricey for DE blades. So my question to you gents is:
What other brands can compare to Feathers? I would try Kai's but I cannot find a vendor that carries them.
How about Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharpedge (Yellow Box)?
The Sharks?

Astra's don't cut it (pun intended) and Crystals/Derby's are painful to shave with.
+ 1 for dridiot. Have used him for several blade orders, both Feather and Kai. I still prefer the Feather.
I tried sharks for 2 shaves and had razor drag, razor burn and quite a bit more weepers than I get with a Feather or Personna. It may have been that one blade but I'm not trying them again for a while. I am quite happy with my Feathers and Personnas.

We're all different so please note YMMV.
the gillette 7 o'clock (russian yellow and green, i havent tried others) are about 85% as sharp as feathers - they cut through my stubble like nothing else i've tried.
the gillette 7 o'clock (russian yellow and green, i havent tried others) are about 85% as sharp as feathers - they cut through my stubble like nothing else i've tried.
The open comb R89 will mow down any stubble with even the mildest of blades.:wink:Good to see a fellow South Aussie with exquisite taste.:biggrin:
Blue Birds are on par with feathers from my experience and are about half as expensive from Ntguys. I also found the 7'oclock yellow to be nearly as sharp and agree with the 85% assessment.
Feathers are great, but expensive, and for me don't have much longevity...it may be their edge is so sharp that it dulls rather quickly.
Some hand stropping and I may get 4 shaves from them.

Gillette 7 o'clocks, yellow and black, are great, nearly as sharp (for me), and give me a good 5-7 shaves.

Shark super chromes are great too, but the super stainless are so-so.

Bolzano are very sharp too, and last me a shave or two longer than Feathers, but are very pricey as well

I've not tried any Kai, so I can't comment
Shark Super Chromes seem to last almost a week for me, and no issues, have not tried the stainless steel ones.
Thank you for the input gentlemen! I wound up getting a few more Feather packs, a Gillette 7 O'clock Yellow, and a Shark Super Chrome. I'm gonna test the Gillette Yellow today with my new tub of TOBS Sandalwood. I'll report my findings in a couple of days.

On a side note: westcoastshaving has insanely fast shipping! I ordered on Wednesday night, it shipped the next morning, and got here in 2 days! :thumbup: And that was with the cheapest Priority mail option.
Okay, here's the report:
Razor: '39 Gillette Tech Fat Handle
Blade: Gillette Sharpedge (Yellow) 1st use
Cream: TOBS Sandalwood :001_tt1:
A/S: Ogalalla Bay Rum and Sandalwood
Prep: Took a really hot bath and soaked my beard area by putting part of my face in the water, then turning over and getting the other side.

I mixed up a nice dollop of the TOBS and made a lather that was simply incredible. I then floated the lather bowl on the hot bathwater with the brush inside to keep it warm. Went 1 pass WTG, then 3 XTG, and finished with a few touchups.
The shave was VERY smooth and there is no irritation at all in the trouble spots. It wasn't as close as a Feather, but it was certainly smoother. I'll bet with a more aggressive razor these would be fantastic. Time to get a Merkur HD I suppose.
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