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The sacrifices we make....


Self Ignored by Vista
In the name of science (and to honor the introduction of the new Fusion :ouch1::ouch1::ouch1:) I decided to drag out my old Fusion. I can't remember how long one blade would last so I'm going to find out how much it was costing me per month on blades.

Did a standard WTG, XTG, and ATG shave. I guess I need to work on my technique with that razor some more...I didn't get BBS, even on my cheeks, like I usually do with my Ever Ready Lather Catcher or the Gem 1912.

Looks like I'm at the start of a learning curve. Stay tuned as this noob develops the skills necessary for this difficult endeavor. :laugh:
Maybe he just needed a reminder of how the other side lives.

I would think anybody who used to live that way would have it permanently etched in his brain. If not, one shave ought to bring the memories flooding back. Why torture oneself by taking the Fusion back up full time? In the name of science? Sounds more like in the name of masochism to me.
You know, we give our highest awards to those who willingly volunteer for missions of greatest danger. We all wish you the best for a safe return.
You're a better man than me. I didn't want to unpack my bags to get to my shaving stuff for 1 night in a hotel when I arrived in Korea, so I bought a cheap disposable and a can of foam. The shave, that I used to think was good enough, was nothing compared to what I get now. It was uncomfortable, not close, and not a joy like my present regimen. I don't think I could do it enough to learn the technique.

I know it's not as good a razor as what you're trying with, but I am pretty set on what I have now. Best of luck.
I think that going back here and there is a necessary part of the upgrade process and a check on your technique.

If you didn't go back and compare, you wouldn't know for sure that what you're using now is better. I'm glad I have now and then. For full disclosure, I'm going to buy a ProGlide. I want to try it out. It should reaffirm my beliefs about DE.

It's always a good thing to challenge your assumptions.
I had never gone past two blades, but I'm about to. I signed up for the free Fusion ProGoo, because I want the trimmer blade to use under my nose. Of course, I'll try shaving with it to see how it goes.

I'm not expecting that it will turn me away from DE shaving any time soon.
I would think anybody who used to live that way would have it permanently etched in his brain. If not, one shave ought to bring the memories flooding back. Why torture oneself by taking the Fusion back up full time? In the name of science? Sounds more like in the name of masochism to me.

unlike masochism, there's nothing fun about a bad shave.


Self Ignored by Vista
Well, I couldn't stand it any longer...broke out the lather catcher this morning.

Whew...I feel much better now. :thumbup:

After a couple of days of using the Fusion I said something to SWMBO about the $3.50 blades not seeming to be as good as the 30 cent ones.

She felt of my face and said "Send those blades back."

I said "I can't, they're the ones you bought for the Fusion." :biggrin1:

After feeling my face this morning after I had used the lather catcher she said "Much better. Don't use that other razor again."

Maybe this will be an excuse to continue my RAD. :w00t:
Glad you got it right.

Early on in my return to DE shaving, I used a Super Speed exclusively and got what I thought were wonderful shaves as compared to carts. Recently, I shaved with my '60s style SS and didn't get a particularly good shave, almost rough. Seems my skill and gear progression made those early shaves rather ordinary.

Although I can't ever see returning to a cartridge razor, it's all relative.
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