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The Real Shaving Company


I have looked for mentions to this range of products but can't find any. Probably me, but I want to know if anyone has used their product and what is thought of it. I seem to see a fair bit of it around here in different stores, so thought I would ask.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and check out the Similar Threads listed there.

They make many of the high priced English creams in their factory.

It is great stuff and always around in my shave den

For me a site specific Google search always works better than the forum search box.

"Type what you are looking for here without the quotes and add" site:badgerandblade.com

For example the BB site search for RSC would look like this:

Real Shaving Company site:badgerandblade.com

See the search results here.
I must be horrible at lathering creams. I wouldn't say it's horrible, but I don't know if I'd pick it over Arko. I guess one of those YMMV things where I just don't like it for some reason.
The search function here is terrible. Search in google and add badgerandblade.com at the end of the search terms.

Thanks Hoosier. End of a long day in which I have been building and running boolean search strings. I should know better, really. :cursing:

FYI this works also:

site:badgerandblade.com "Real Shaving Company"

I just usually search and put "badger and blade" in the search or something like that, just easier to remember. Then to get to only B&B search results, there's usually an option to search only the forum underneath some of the results.
Well I am amazed!

Another shaving related product that incites polar opinions.

Go figure! :yikes:

Before I left the UK to move to Canada I was seriously in to air cooled VW's. The endless debate was "which is the best oil for my .........." It seems that every past time and hobby has at least one of these, but shaving! Yikes!
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I must be horrible at lathering creams. I wouldn't say it's horrible, but I don't know if I'd pick it over Arko. I guess one of those YMMV things where I just don't like it for some reason.

There is an old post listing all of the English shaving creams made by them. Rather impressive list of big name companies too.

If you are using any of the high priced English creams you are using a variation of this product (with a different scent)

Sometimes the "low price" aspect can cloud your perception of how good or bad something really is.
Well I may have to give it a go. It is on sale at my local Shoppers Drug Mart for $4.00. Really, has to be worth a go at that cost.
Well I am amazed!

Another shaving related product that incites polar opinions.

Go figure! :yikes:

Before I left the UK to move to Canada I was seriously in to air cooled VW's. The endless debate was "which is the best oil for my .........." It seems that every past time and hobby has at least one of these, but shaving! Yikes!

I don't remember all the reviews, but from what I remember and what I see here, most people seem to hold it closely to the 3 T's. As Turtle said they make those fancy English creams in that factory anyways. Some people I guess view it as a cheap version of the English 3 T's, I don't get that, but maybe mine is dried out a little or something since I got it used. But there's still just so much that I guess I just think the other creams were/are better. So I'm really in the minority on this one.
Well I may have to give it a go. It is on sale at my local Shoppers Drug Mart for $4.00. Really, has to be worth a go at that cost.

Definitely worth a shot it's a cheap cream. If you don't like it you can always give it away, or use it while traveling etc.

It's definitely not a BAD cream, I just thought others were better (and I didn't think it was similar to the fancy English ones).
Sometimes the "low price" aspect can cloud your perception of how good or bad something really is.

Turtle, you are so right. I have even had people tell me they wouldn't buy a certain product because it was being sold somewhere like Wal-Mart (not on these boards you understand). Personally I don't have enough spare cash to be that much of a snob. I like the finer things but I REALLY like value for money. No point looking a million dollars if you cant afford for anyone to see you, eh.
When it goes on sale at Shoppers I pick up a tube, but at their regular price, I'd rather buy the Proraso. I think they sell for the same amount at Shoppers.
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