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The price of NOS

Yes I really like injectors.

Yes, the Schick adjustables are really good ones, not pretty, perhaps, but great shavers.

Yes, you'll pay top dollar for NOS.

Even so, this price for an NOS Schick adjustable surprised me a little.:blink: $161 shipped. Just another example of "its worth what people will pay."
I believe that's actually the prototype Schick adjustable injector with the smaller adjuster wheel, which would explain it's final selling price. Very rare.

EDIT: Nevermind. It's not the prototype. So, yeah, WOW! $155? Just crazy.
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It varies a lot. There was an NOS injector where the top label had been cut, but it clearly appeared to still be sealed for $46 last week (good for shaving, not collecting). There was also one that was NOS, but out of the package for around $65 last week. I would say $80-110 has been normal for one in the condition of the one you noted.....
That's serious over inflation of the value IMHO. Its not even an early example of the Schick Adjustable either. That said I have noticed injector prices have been going upwards in the last 6 months, which is unfortunate.
NOS Adjustable Injectors have always been relatively expensive. I remember in the 80's that I wanted to buy one, but never did, because it was 10-12 dollars and the regular injector was often free with the blades.

I finally got a nice NOS one and a gently used one, but demand has been good for them, at least the last couple of years.

Also, regular NOS injectors have gone up lately, but the scary thing to me is the huge jump in the price of NOS blades, and the lack of much supply. The big hoards of blades are non-existent for the last six months. About a year ago, I got an ebay lot of mixed, open and cut packaging NOS blades for maybe 10-15 cents a blade occasionally, and some nice NOS blades for 30 cents each or so....Now they are around a dollar for the good ones and the cut/open/hoard ones in quantity are just not showing up on ebay......
From what I believe the Schick injectors with the dots in the center of the adjuster dial were made later than the ones without the dot.

Either way, anything NOS will fetch a price well over what the razor is worth. Especially on Ebay.
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