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The never ending shave-these blades are sharp

I'm using the DE Astra Platinums and these things cut through whiskers like butter. How many shaves do most of you get out of one blade? And to sound like a complete Newbie does flipping the blade over make a difference? Thanks.
I get four very good shaves, and call it good. Not worth risking an inferior shave due to a dull blade, and when they're available at less than $9/100, four shaves is fine for me.
I get about 7 good shave out of Astra Platinums and I could make them last even longer with a bit of stropping.
5 Shaves. The first 3 are excellent, the 4th is good, and after the 5th (which starts to gently tug), it's definitely time to change the blade (for me)....
Two and out. If I attempt a third shave I will have a very irritated face and weepers galore. I do find that Astras are the smoothest and best blade for my face (of the reasonably priced blades).
3 and out because I figure that they are too cheap to stretch my luck with. I get too much tug on my chin when I try to go further with pretty much any blade I have tried.
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