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The mIllion Dollar Razor

I picked up a couple SE razors, one of which is "The Million Dollar Razor" by valet. I haven't used a SE before, but I thought that was a bold and entertaining claim, and the price was right. Anyone have experience with this razor? Are there blades available that will fit in her? I like the look of it with little gears and all, its almost steam punk.
The Valet Autostrops were a series of razors which used a proprietary carbon steel blade that would be periodically re-stropped (unlike modern disposable blades) The gears allow it to, when placed in the strop made for it- to strop itself as the user moved it along the strop. That feature is fairly irrelevant now a-days.

Depending on what model autostrop, one may be more or less able to simply use a despined gem SE blade or may have to buy the special feather blades made for the autostrop.

I have the one that I can use despined gems with and I find that it works fairly well. It is well made and delivers a very smooth but close shave- it looks like it will cut you when loaded with the blade but it is actually somewhat mild compared to the OCMM or other Gems.

You can find the information on how to despine blades, what model autostrop is useable with gems, ect on youtube/google.
Looks like I will need the feathers... I wasn't really planning on u sing it on a regular basis anyway, but I sure want to give it a try. Looks like those feathers run about $1 a pop, hopefully you can get a good number of shaves out of them...
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