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The Men Behind The Scent

Hello everyone. I was thinking last night about the 6 staples of the drugstore aftershave and looking at the old advertising and it got me thinking. What does each of these aftershaves, Aqua Vleva, Pinaud Clubman, Stetson, Old Spice, Brut, and English Leather. For fun lets throw in the general Bay Rum Scent as well. What kind of man do you think of when you smell each one. I'll start off with what I think of.

Bay Rum - Cowboys and Sailers
Stetson - My Grandfather
Aqua Velva - The ladies man
Brut - (this is because my uncle has always rocked Brut) The laid back hippy type
Pinaud Clubman - The Barber in all of us

and I haven't really gotten an image put together for English Leather or Old Spice. I have always worn old spice and so it reminds me of the Middle school days when I first put on some smellgood. I would love to hear everyones thoughts on this.
My impressions based on my experience:

Bay Rum - Pirate
Stetson - Cowboy
Aqua Velva - 50's or 60's high school youth (basically bathed in it)
Brut - My friend's quirky uncle from England
Pinaud Clubman - Barbershop
Old Spice - My Grandfather

I've never smelled English Leather..... so I can't place a person with that scent.

This is a pretty fun exercise

Bay Rum - Old guy with slicked back hair and a vest and maybe a pocket watch on a chain
Stetson - Cowboy wanna be, still going to the western bars in his pressed Wranglers and polished boots
Aqua Velva - Italian guy with velvet warm-up suit and lots of chains and chest hair; also, my father who used this religiously and wasn't remotely Italian
Brut - Lounge lizard with polyester disco shirt and lots of chains
Pinaud Clubman - Classic Barbershop (got to agree wholeheartedly about this one)
Old Spice - Sailor with a pea coat or maybe a working man going out on a Friday night
English Leather - College professor with tweed jacket and patch sleeves

That said, I loves me some Clubman, Old Spice, and Aqua Velva. I don't care what kind of connotation they have.
Bay Rum - 1700's sailor. I love me some Captain's Choice :)
Stetson - Wannabe Cowboy, likely smoking Marlboro Reds. lol.
Aqua Velva - my grandfather :) Tho he doesnt use it now.
Brut - doesnt bring any memories to mind. Made to seem as if you wear it your a "real" man.
Pinaud Clubman - barbershop. I love this one, it works on me quite well!
Old Spice - My dad always had some around, but I don't think he was ever much for aftershave. I WISH I had those bottles though, I think they got tossed. They were from the 80's or older!
Bay Rum -- pirates
Stetson -- the Marlborough Man
Aqua Velva -- any guy at any cheesy/cheap bar
Brut -- Eddie Murphy and Joe Namath
Clubman -- any barber
Old Spice -- my father
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