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The Mach 3 Experience

This morning I decided to go back to an old Mach 3 blade (used maybe 5-10 times, can't remember). I had been tearing my face up with my new Shark blades, and getting more cuts from a DE than I ever had. So I decided to try something else. I decided to go with Edge gel in a can to really relive my pre-DE days. :lol: One thing I did was "strop" the mach 3 razor against my arm and jeans as I had seen in some youtube videos.

Anyway, hot shower, hot water rinse of the face, and it gave a great shave!

No irritation or nicks. I don't know if I will attribute the success to the jean-stropping, the prep, or what -- but it shaved like a new blade. I shave every other day so I will try this method out for the next 10 shaves and see what happens.

Here is a link to the jean stropping video:


(the arm stropping video can be found in the reel at the end of this clip)
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Interesting . . .

One of the reasons I got into DE and straight shaving is the cost of the blades (cartridges). Back then you got four for 7.99 USD, but I could only ever get three decent shaves from them, and into the bin they went. I would never go back though, as I get much better shaves from a DE, and it costs a devil of a lot less. And a nice DE razor will last a lifetime and then some.
Stropping a cartridge razor on jeans before each shave really works. I've been doing that with a Proglide (that I got for free in the mail), and so far I've gotten 16 shaves out of the cartridge (I shave every second day, so that's a whole month of shaves), and the blades are still sharp! The "lubristrip" is worn very thin though (this may cause irritation when it's completely gone, or it may not, I'll find out soon enough I suppose).

The last time I used a cartridge razor was a few years ago, with a free Fusion, and I only managed to get five shaves out of it.

I wonder if stropping a DE on jeans would work? That would be a cheapskate's dream... imagine getting MONTHS of shaves from a 15 cent blade! :laugh:
I wonder if stropping a DE on jeans would work? That would be a cheapskate's dream... imagine getting MONTHS of shaves from a 15 cent blade! :laugh:

Sounds like a heck of a lot of trouble to save a few cents. :001_cool: I'd be inclined to think that you'd be more prone to damage such a thin blade than actually strop it to shaving quality again.
I tried it for a while but I didn't notice much difference, ymmv as they say. Whenever I do use a mach 3 for whatever reason though, my technique has improved so that I can get a decent shave from it, but I still get a lot more noticable bumps on my skin.


B&B's Man in Italy
Dear mate,

If I want, I can get a really good shave with a cartridge razor, but the results I get with a DE are simply much better: closer shave, zero irritation, absolutely clean face.
Maybe you need to improve your shaving technique a little bit. Meanwhile, if you feel more comfortable with a Mach 3, use it. But do not give up with Double Edge razors, with a bit of practice and patience your efforts will be rewarded with TRULY AMAZING shaves. Believe me.
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After using DEs for a couple of years, I can honestly say that I really have no use for them anymore. I'm now a str8 shaver, but if I'm in a hurry I'll just grab the Mach3. I also use the Mach3 to clean up after the Str8. Just using it for that, a cartridge will last nearly a month. I understand that some guys get bumps from the cartridges, but I've never had a problem with it. I always lather with a brush, though, regardless of which razor I use.
Just used a Schick Quattro (mea culpa) on a trip recently when time was at a premium. Used a Tweezerman and Van der Hagen Deluxe and got a quite decent shave in record time. I very much enjoy shaving with a DE and might get brave enough to try a straight, but prep seems to be the biggest part of it and thanks to what I've learned from the good folks here, I can get nice shaves from cartridges as well.
Have you tried anything other than the Shark blades?

I've run a few shaves with cartridges since my DE conversion, and they're nowhere as close and comfortable as DE, once I settled on the gear and worked on my technique.
Can't remember who it was, but somebody once brought up the point about this kind of stropping that, at best, it could only do one side of the blade, and proper stropping requires that you get both.

On the other hand, if you've carefully compared the performance of a specific cartridge with and without stropping, maybe that logic is wrong. Anyway, as always, if something works for you then there's no point in other people telling you that it shouldn't.:wink2:
I started jean stropping right after I got my Fusion last year. My first 4 pack of blades lasted me about a month, and then I got the economy pack of 24 at Sams club for I dont even remember how much. Long story short, my first set of 4 blades lasted me for months until I got into wet shaving. I still have the other 20ish sitting in my closet.
Can't remember who it was, but somebody once brought up the point about this kind of stropping that, at best, it could only do one side of the blade, and proper stropping requires that you get both.


I am sorry to say, that stropping a cartridge razor on jeans accomplishes nothing. Sharpening a blade edge requires that you perform the sharpening action on both sides of the bevel that makes up the edge, just doing one side would have no effect.

Since only one side of the edge is accessible in a cartridge razor any attempt to sharpen/ strop the razor is entirely pointless.
Can't remember who it was, but somebody once brought up the point about this kind of stropping that, at best, it could only do one side of the blade, and proper stropping requires that you get both.
That is correct. Your blade edge can be misaligned (or rolled) towards either of the blade. A one sided strop fails to correct both sides of the blade edge misalignment. Not only that, you are probably removing blade coatings, which will likely make your shaves less smooth.
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I have used a mach 3 for many years and a little over a month ago started applying DE prep and shaving and AS principles gleaned from this site all to good effect. I starting jean stropping my mach 3 cartridge and after 3+ weeks it is still shaving well. I strop both ways unlike the video. The stropping may work not by sharpening but by thoroughly drying and cleaning the edge. This prevents corroding and edge breakdown by moisture which many feel is more detrimental to the edge than actual cutting of hair.
The stropping may work not by sharpening but by thoroughly drying and cleaning the edge. This prevents corroding and edge breakdown by moisture which many feel is more detrimental to the edge than actual cutting of hair.

While I certainly agree that it is oxidation of the blade edge, and not the blade actually going dull that causes the edge to feel rough, the fact remains, that at best you are only removing the oxidation from one side of the blade. The other side remains unchanged. I would expect the stropping to produce a very very small improvement if any at all.
Have you tried anything other than the Shark blades?

I've run a few shaves with cartridges since my DE conversion, and they're nowhere as close and comfortable as DE, once I settled on the gear and worked on my technique.

I have used Derby's, Personna's, and Wilkinson blades with success. And about 90% of the time, I don't encounter any irritation. At one point I started to get impatient with the 10 minute wetshave so now I occasionally use cartridges with brushes and creams ever since. Anyway, I'll see how this technique works. People have claimed it helps so I will be the judge.
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Can't argue with results but I have to agree with Marco. Stick with the DE a bit longer and keep working on your technique. My guess is sooner rather than later you'll be glad you did.
Stropping a catridge razor on jeans is probably going to wear the lubricating strip down quicker, thus resulting in a not so smooth shave. I use a Mach3 cartridge and notice that my shaves are not as smooth when the lubricating strip wears down to almost nothing. That's after 5-6 shaves. Still a decent shave though. I change cartidges after 6 shaves.
While I certainly agree that it is oxidation of the blade edge, and not the blade actually going dull that causes the edge to feel rough, the fact remains, that at best you are only removing the oxidation from one side of the blade. The other side remains unchanged. I would expect the stropping to produce a very very small improvement if any at all.

I certainly agree. Also, how much oxidation will coated blades experience? Not much oxidation does occur as the coatings largely prevent this from happening. Personally, I've never seen a cartridge blade rust within a week of usage, not to say it's impossible. In addition, since denim is going to act as a mild abrasive, coatings will wear off even more quickly than standard use would permit. While oxidation does play a role in blade life, the fact is that beard is quite tough and can be actually harder than the blade edge. This is why beard preparation, in my view, is important; you saturate hairs with water to soften them up. Coatings help harden the blade edge but if you dry shave, expect your razor blade not to last very long.

As I see it, removing oxidation with denim will not help much, as you are simply removing the microscopic pieces of metal that were going to flake off eventually. Ultimately, this results in a blade will be pitted and rough to use, although this is certainly better than letting the oxides build outright. The best measure is to prevent oxidation from the onset and dry the blade the best you can right after use. This concept has more merit than removing any oxides that form as a result of water and oxygen contact with a blade.

The long and short of it, if you want to extend the life of your blade, you either have to strop is on both sides and hone when oxidation builds or when the blade edge loses it's edge sharpness (not feasible for a cartridge) or dry the blade right after you shave. As a final aside, those once popular stropping devices for DE blades have been shown to be ineffective in keeping a blade sharp, so the question is how is denim going to be any better?
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