I got it today and I'm impressed with the story and graphics so far. Anyone else playing this game?
I want it soo bad!!!! I keep telling myself I need to finish my games that I already own first before I buy any more. I have heard nothing but good things about it and I know it was e3's game of the year. I am playing god of war ascensions right now and it is the worst one yet. I am almost threw it then I will pick it up I jut hope I can get it before gta comes out cause then I will be in the same boat lol.
I have it, I'm about a quarter of the way through I think. Man that game is so much fun.
If you do pick up the Uncharted series...Dang! Makes me want to get a PS3.
I am old as far as Gamers go. In my 35 years of gaming, I have never played anything like The Last of Us. Sure the general theme has been done many times, but not like this. The game conveys the feeling of danger and desperation in a hostile environment. I have never made a kill in a game where it was not satisfying, the weight of necessity in this regard is masterfully crafted. There is a true feeling of "Me or them" that stresses the importance of what Joel must do to keep Ellie and himself alive no matter the cost.
The Combat is by no means smooth or structured, and it is done this way on purpose. If you are detected and a firefight breaks out, the situation feels like disorganized panic. When you shoot a gun there is no spamming the fire button and unloading. you have to recover after the recoil before you can land another shot, which is not easy. The enemies have deadly aim as well which make it even more nerve racking.
Melee combat is brutal, and fast. Bats, pipes, 2x4's, bricks, fists and bottles are all viable weapons. I do have to admit it is satisfying to run up and smash a guy in the head with a brick. You have to be smart, because you are always one against many.
The infected are a pain, especially Clickers and Bloaters. If either of these two get their hands on you it is game over. The rest you can fight off.
These are just some of the things you will encounter in this game. If you have a PS3 and call yourself a gamer this is a must have. Hell it is worth buying a PS3 if you don't have one, just for this game.
Last night I restarted a checkpoint so many times, the GAME gave me a message saying "You can change the difficulty at anytime in the options menu". Of course me being the stubborn *** I am said "F" that.
I don't have a game computer, and fortunately my kids never asked for it as well (they are 16 and 13). Think of all the time you can spend reading (or playing real offline board games) while not sitting at a computer screen!
Great review Jon!
I would spend about the same amount of time reading since that is how I spend most of my free times.I don't have a game computer, and fortunately my kids never asked for it as well (they are 16 and 13). Think of all the time you can spend reading (or playing real offline board games) while not sitting at a computer screen!