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I think he was nuts all along or at least since long ago. His films are creations of a demented mind.

Well, I wouldn't go quite that far, myself. Braveheart seemed like a well-filmed standard Hollywood swashbuckler to me. Apocalypto was a ripoff of an earlier movie set in Africa. A ripoff, but again a well-filmed one. I think he was doing a pretty good job of building a catalog of lush, intricate action movies, until his demons derailed him.
The Magnificent Seven (2016): This remake of a remake was alright; not too far a deviation from the traditional storylines to be an "in-name-only" remake and not clinging to close to be a clone. The guns-for-hire character's motivation wasnt as clearly mercenary as the previous two movies - and that is probably my only knock against this version.

The multicultural ensemble was slightly heavy handed, but Denzel Washington's lead anchored the movie and held Chris Pratt's std goofiness in check. The other folks did fine rounding out the requisite cannon fodder and this version did the viewers a solid by removing any unnecessary, unreali and sappy romantic subplots. 3/5
"Secondhand Lions" w/ Michael Caine & Robert Duvall
The movie set in Texas somewhere near Houston. No spoilers here but one of the best movies I've seen in 2016! Most folks will love the way they say "Howdy" to travelling salesmen who come calling!!!
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Manchester by the Sea - Casey Affleck delivers a strong performance as a working class, twenty-something repairman whose life goes through a series of transitions - some mundane, others tragic. The narrative weaves events from the modern-day and five years ago - and the transitions aren't aren't exactly graceful. **1/2
Sugar mountain 2016.

6/10 $MV5BMGIyYjllMWUtYTdkOS00NWUwLTk2NDYtZWE3NTViYzc4YzE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTc0Njg2Mzg@._V1_UX182_CR0,0.jpgood cast acting
Double Feature

Suicide Squad - Terrible 1/10. I am now more stupid for having watched this movie and will need to take medication to help repair the damage.

Central Intelligence - Light hearted any funny. Well done. Great rental. 7/10. Corns are mythical beasts.

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