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The Last Movie You Watched?

Tron Legacy. Bit disappointing. I was hoping they would update the premise of the movie to match the more tech-savvy audience we have now. I think they tried to but they didn't put any effort into it.
Like the original, you are expected to simply suspend disbelief and accept that there "just is" another world inside computers, where programs act as characters.
They should have demystified the concept by saying the virtual reality was just an advanced interface intended to allow users to interpret analogies of what happens inside computers, and the program characters were like avatars (or inverse avatars, as they represent digital forms as people, the other way round.) Maybe that was implied, but aren't film makers supposed to help you suspend disbelief?
My Name is Nobody. Typical Terrence Hill spaghetti western, way too much silliness to be a good western. But this one had Henry Fonda as a costar, who must have REALLY been needing some quick cash in 1973.
Just go with it. A very mediocre film. However the couple scenes with Brooklyn Decker in a bikini made the movie worth it.
Just watched Insidious, It was a nice refreshing throwback, with a score reminiscent of a Hitchcock film, scary? NO but kinda creepy , and better than most of the crappy modern horror movies. Worth a watch


Staff member
SWMBO took me to the movies last night and we saw Cowboys and Aliens. It was OK! A good big budget popcorn movie. I don't think it will win many awards, but it was entertaining enough.
Steady on, he was in Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. Classic.

That was the very start of his career. His first two movies were Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch (which he was good in also). After that he was in movies like Mean Machine, The Italian Job (a movie which I don't even know why it has that title, it's not even based in Italy). Then there was The Transporter 1 2 & 3 and of course who could forget Crank & Crank: High Voltage.

I'm sure the other movies he's been in I haven't mentioned haven't been great.

Can you tell I really don't like him as an 'actor'? :lol:


Staff member
That was the very start of his career. His first two movies were Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch (which he was good in also). After that he was in movies like Mean Machine, The Italian Job (a movie which I don't even know why it has that title, it's not even based in Italy). Then there was The Transporter 1 2 & 3 and of course who could forget Crank & Crank: High Voltage
I'm sure the other movies he's been in I haven't mentioned haven't been great.

Can you tell I really don't like him as an 'actor'? :lol:

So... All good until Hollywood, then?:lol:
I thought Snatch was excellent.

I bought it on dvd and had to return it after watching about 10 minutes of it though. The sound about half a seond behind what was going on in the film.

I've watched it probably half a dozen times since then.
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