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The Homestead Company Witch Hazel

Never seen it before, but at $9.50 for an 8 oz. bottle it's darned expensive witch hazel!:thumbdown

True, but it is 99.85% witch hazel distillate, which makes it pretty much pure witch hazel. My curiosity is piqued. Is the alcohol that is in many witch hazels a benefit, that is, is the astringent nature of alcohol + witch hazel part of of what makes it effective, or would pure witch hazel be better for one's skin in the long run?
An odd thing about this is the pricing. The web page says "List price: $12.95. Our price: $8.99. Sale price: $9.50. You save $3.66" (the savings being the difference between the list price and "our price"). I think it must be some sort of typo. When I add it to the cart, the price is $8.99.
True, but it is 99.85% witch hazel distillate, which makes it pretty much pure witch hazel. My curiosity is piqued. Is the alcohol that is in many witch hazels a benefit, that is, is the astringent nature of alcohol + witch hazel part of of what makes it effective, or would pure witch hazel be better for one's skin in the long run?

True, but most folks don't realize that even el cheapo witch hazel is 100% witch hazel distillate--the alcohol being a natural by-product of the distillation process. If you're looking for alcohol-free WH, there's always Thayers, which is STILL cheaper by the ounce than this.
@SGold -- in view of your other thread on witch hazel, I'd like to get your views on this product, please.
It was the first thing that came up when I Googled "pure witch hazel".
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