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The Future of driving !

Are we to believe this !!!!!!!


No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. No pedals either.
Can you drive with a joystick? Your kids and grandkids probably can.
The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived. !!!!!

Its the new Mercedes Benz SCL600


To be fair it's probably a safer set up in an impact. Although if it is the future anyone who buys one should have to take a new test.
In 1943, the research director of the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. predicted that hybrid auto-airplanes "will fly through the air and then fold their wings like a housefly and run along the road."

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I actually like to drive and like to have as much control as possible. Unless I'm stuck in traffic. So no to too much technology.
Oh hell no. I'm not going to go drive-by-wire in a car. No way. Take a look at the reliability of electronic bells'n'whistles in Consumer Reports. It's one thing if the right side of the stereo goes out or the window stops going up and down, but do you want this to fail at 75MPH on the highway?

Even if your power steering pump fails, you still have control over a conventional car. Same with mechanical links to brakes and the throttle. I don't care about "high tech," I care about something with the fewest possible points of failure. Something like this introduces a slew of new points of failure. Not to mention the repair bill.

No thanks.
Oh, great. People can barely drive with two hands, and now they're going to do it with one hand. Cases of *car*pal tunnel syndrome will increase geometrically. And it's completely discriminatory against us left-handers!


Jeff in Boston
Interesting concept that would have a bit of a learning curve. Look closely and you'll see that the throttle is mounted on the door!
My current car, a Subaru STI has drive by wire throttle control. That's about as far as I'm willing to go right now. If you really enjoy driving and hustling your car down a twisty road you need the feed back that you get through a traditional steering wheel. I don't think I would like this setup at all.
I must be getting old as I don't find the "joystick" aspect of driving appealing, despite it's apparent advantages.
This is nothing new, the "drive by wire" concept has been around for a long time. Additionally most aircraft being built these days are "fly by wire" The reality is that someday it will happen. The Toyota Prius that everybody seems to think is so great is drive by wire (except for the steering) My wife's new Honda Odyssey is has some components that are as well. It's just a matter of time.

As to the joystick... it could be nice! Think about consolitdating all of your controls to a single surface. Pull back brakes, push forward gas, and steer side to side. There would definitely be a learning curve, but I see it as a much better system. At least my diminutive wife wouldn't look like she was hugging the steering wheel in order to touch the pedals! Plus think of all the space it would open up in front of you!

I actually like to drive and like to have as much control as possible. Unless I'm stuck in traffic. So no to too much technology.


I am NOT a fan of automatic headlights, automatic windshield wipers, automatic parallel parking, etc.

I want control of my vehicle, and I feel that all these "automatics" can lead to even worse drivers than we have now, what with taking all responsibility of the person behind the wheel to properly operate their vehicle.

Sure, all those features are nice, but maybe it's just me that thinks a person who wants the responsibility to drive should be responsible for making the decisions, not a computer.

Yes, I'll admit the lights and wipers are not that big of a deal, but we all know more and more aspects are likely to be taken out of the driver's responsibility and onto the car's computer.

....and if you want to put on your tinfoil hat, then the government can control where you go and when and how! :001_rolle (just in case it needs to be said, [/sarcasm])
Oh hell no. I'm not going to go drive-by-wire in a car. No way. Take a look at the reliability of electronic bells'n'whistles in Consumer Reports. It's one thing if the right side of the stereo goes out or the window stops going up and down, but do you want this to fail at 75MPH on the highway?

Even if your power steering pump fails, you still have control over a conventional car. Same with mechanical links to brakes and the throttle. I don't care about "high tech," I care about something with the fewest possible points of failure. Something like this introduces a slew of new points of failure. Not to mention the repair bill.

No thanks.


If something happens to the electric circuit while you're driving, what the hell are you supposed to do? Pray, I guess.

That said, I would love to drive it a couple of times, so that I could feel like Batman.
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