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The Futur Has Arrived

Today I received the gold Merkur Futur. What a beautiful beast. Since I have a very coarse beard and 2 days growth I decided to try setting 3 and then go to setting 2 for the 2nd and 3rd passes. I used the Merkur Super blade that came with the razor. I was very impressed with the Futur. The weight of the beast allowed me to use a very light touch and I thought I heard the whiskers screaming take me, cut me, abuse me:thumbup:. The 1st pass was great so I left the setting at 3 for both the 2nd and 3rd passes. I used the Proraso pre-shave and a mix of Col. Conk Bay Rum soap and a small amount of Dreadnought shaving cream in the bowl. My shave was baby butt smooth. I had 1 very minor nick on my chin which was totally my fault and not the razor's. This will probably become my favorite razor. The downside is I was not impressed with the Merkur Super blade. I'll give the blade one more try tomorrow with the razor set to 2 since I will only have 1 days growth. Then I will put in a Feather, my regular blade of choice. I have a feeling that I will eventually want a chrome futur for the rotation.
My favorite blades I have found compatible with this razor are:

Personna Med (White), Personna Lab (Blue), Gillette 7 O’clock Super Platinum Blue Pack, Feather, Super-Max Super Platinum
My Futur favored the Super Iridium blades. I tried it with my standard assortment of Derby, AstraSP and Futur with mediocre results, but when it got the SI it really started to sing. I haven't used my Futur in about 3 years, though, since I've got so many others to choose from.

The Futur has a reputation for causing a lot of cuts to the thumbs and fingers when changing blades or making adjustments. That pop-off cap needs your full attention. And once I made the mistake of picking it up by the wrong end. Its a great razor with a solid reputation, but more than one user has reported getting some bad cuts on their hands. Just keep that in mind when you handle it.
The Futur has a reputation for causing a lot of cuts to the thumbs and fingers when changing blades or making adjustments. That pop-off cap needs your full attention. And once I made the mistake of picking it up by the wrong end. Its a great razor with a solid reputation, but more than one user has reported getting some bad cuts on their hands. Just keep that in mind when you handle it.

Thanks for the tip. I tend to be overly cautious when I change blades in all of my DE's. I'll just be a little more cautious with the Futur.
And prediction....you'll eventually add a Vision as well.

Just finished my second shave with the Futur and the Merkur Super blade. I set the adjustment to 2 1/2 (set on 3 yesterday). After my usual 3 pass shave I was still not happy with the Merkur blade. Tomorrow I'll change to Feather. Since the Feather's are super sharp I'll probably set the adjustment to 2. Stay tuned. P.S. I wish there was a retailer in my area that carries the Vision. I would love to see one up close and personal. We need a good DE shave revolution so more retailers would carry the razors we love to shave with.
FINAL UPDATE. Well today as promised I switched out to a Feather blade and set the Futur at 2 1/2. OH MY GOSH:biggrin1:!!!!! Happy days are here again. BBS is 98% reality:ladysman:. Only missed a couple of small areas trying to be extra careful. This is without a doubt the best of the best, especially with the Feather blade. I'll still rotate with my Muhle, Edwin Jagger and Parker however, it will be with great angst. You gotta do what you gotta do. Sarimento1 said it, I can see the "Vision" in my future. Life is good:thumbup:
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