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The full Proraso "experience"

So I received a box of Proraso items last night. Pre-shave, A/S, a tub of cream and a tube. So I got all set up to take on the full spectrum of items. Starting with the Pre-shave cream WOW! this is powerful stuff! I opened it up and took a sniff and immediately any sinus issues I might have been having were gone. I let it sit for a bit on my face while I worked on my lather.

I decided to use the tub of cream simply because I have never used anything like this before and I have used a couple of tube shaving creams at this point. I loaded the brush for about 30-35 seconds and this produced a really nice lather although it took me a couple on minutes to get the water/cream ratio worked out. By this time the full effect of the pre-shave was apparent and I was really "feeling the burn". I used a wash cloth to take off the excess pre-shave and re-moisten my face and then lathered.

I didn't get the AMAZING shave I necessarily thought I would, but I honestly attribute this to technique over any failure of the cream or equipment. I'm still trying to work on consistency of my strokes and blade angle so I'm gonna put it on that.

So after I had sufficiently irritated my jawline and neck I decided to put on a little more of the pre-shave cream as a post-shave and it seemed to soothe the irritation and if nothing else froze it into numbness :biggrin1:. I rinsed with some cold water and then when I could feel my cheeks again applied some of the after shave splash (which smells amazing).

Overall, I was really impressed! Next time I'll try the tube cream, I don't anticipate there being an appreciable difference between the tub but I am interested in seeing the difference between the C.O. Bigelow (old formula green Proraso) and the new "Paraben Free" stuff.
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I just had a full Proraso experience last night using the entire Green line-up.

I used a Merkur Slant with a Feather blade. Awesome, awesome shave. NO irritation and my skin feels uber soft and smooth today.
I use Proraso pre/post, Omega soap, an alum block, and Proraso blue ASB. It's a great wake up at 4:30, starts the day right!
Proraso is great stuff, indeed! The green Dopobarba splash is one of my top favorite AS in the warmer months, as well as the green tube and White tub sensitive soap-all old formula. Right now I'm enjoying the new Red sandalwood (tube)- is awesome stuff. enjoy!
Proraso for some reason makes all of us better shavers than we are. I have a sneaky suspicion that it heals nick, cuts & weepers while shaving. No other soap seems to do this. I laugh sometimes as I have the Proraso at $10 next to my MDC. I love them both for different reasons.
While I agree that Proraso offers good performance for the price, especially when you can get your soap tub from Italian Barber for $6.99 as they are now...for around $10-12 there are better performing soaps out there.

I do like my white and now particularly the red Proraso soap though for a bit of variety. They are good soaps, no doubt about it.
While I strongly feel that proraso cream is arguably the best value in wet shaving, proraso pre/post is the most overrated product I've come across
Next shave, don't wipe off the excess pre-shave. Leave it on your face and just lather right on top of it. I find I get a better shave this way. I think the reason a lot of guys don't like the pre shave is because they don't use enough or they wipe it all off before shaving. Try it. YMMV



Wanting for wisdom
The pre-shave used to be called Pre/Post shave. I love the stuff. After rinsing any remaining lather from my shave I dip a tiny bit of this from the jar and rub it over my still wet face. Follow up with the aftershave and . . . hang on. . . try Aqua Velva Ice Blue for the continuation of the menthol hit. Ok if you are going to wear a cologne use the Proraso a/s or balm. It is very soothing and the scent fades very quickly.

The shave cream in the tube and tub and omega products are very very equivalent and all very good, in my opinion.

The way I do it . . .

Create a bowl full of nicely whipped shave cream while filling the sink with hot water.
Soak washcloth in hot water.
Apply shave cream to face.
Wring out washcloth and press it on to your shave cream covered face for 30 secs.
Soak washcloth in hot water again.
Wring out washcloth and press it on to your shave cream covered face for 30 secs.
Are you feeling the menthol cooling your face?
Yes you are . . . so apply some more shave cream to your face and start shaving . . . the menthol tingle happens for me when my beard is softened enough to shave.

I like to say Proraso is self timing.
You have found a great thing, a full Proraso experience! I love using the pre,green soap and the AS. Especially in the summer when the Green soap really shines. But I use it all year long. I love Proraso that's why it's my signature.:biggrin1:
I gotta ask, I have the green pre shave cream and NOWHERE on it, the box, or the instruction manual does it say it can be used as a post shave.

I did it anyways though, and tried it as a post shave, and when I went to look in the mirror later in the night there was a thick white film all over my face! Thank God I didn't go outside like this LOL.

so I must ask, how the hell do you use it as a post shave properly without it drying up all over your face?

Oddly enough, I had zero bumps or irritation though which was cool!
Proraso Green from end-to-end is my favourite fully "branded" shave.

Even alongside MWF, MdC, Irisch Moos, Cella, Palmolive stick etc etc etc (insert fave product here) the Raso is ALWAYS in rotation.

Congratulations on finding enjoyment in your shave!
When I got my first tub of Proraso I was unsure about the scent, but after the first shave I was convinced. It's definitely a 'love it or hate it' product and I'm in the love category. I have it in my rotation along with TOBS, GFT, and HJM and I enjoy it just as much as the more expensive brands. Maybe I'm just hooked on the menthol.
After my third proraso shave I went out and got the pre-shave. I really enjoy it also but I don't use it every day, just on days when I feel like an extra menthol kick (and when I don't have to go outside in the cold immediately after my shave!).
Next time I see it I'll pick-up the aftershave and give that a try too, thanks for the recommendation.

What was the verdict on the tube? Is it the same quality as the tub? I am curious to try the white and the red but don't necessarily need a full tub of all three so maybe I'll just grab the tubes.
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