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The Dog Smells Like a Mudder Focker.

... soap that is! :biggrin1:
The subtitle for this post is, "Kid + Shaving Gear + Sleeping Dad = Trouble!"

So my 4yr old daughter usually wakes me up first thing when she wakes up. Today however, she decided to do things a little different.

A little backstory. My daughter has always got a kick out of daddy's shaving stuff. She's helped me make some lather before, and got a few gobs on her cheeks too. It's very cute!

This morning she didn't wake me up first. Instead she went into our bathroom and got herself into some shenanigans. When I got up, I let the dog out, he looked fine. Walked into the bathroom and went, "Ummmm... What happened?"

At my sink I found my Razorock Mudder Focker soap open, with a deep kid finger hole in it. I find my IB Semogue and one other brush all wet and globbed up with soap. I hollered, " Alayna! What did you do?" She proceeded to tell me that the dog Shadow needed to shave, so she put the soap on his back, but she didn't try to use my razor(thank God!). She said he just let her do it, then she wiped it off with a towel. Then he walked away lol.

I wasn't mad, just shocked. I cleaned it all up, rinsed my brushes, smushed my soap back together and wiped up the mess. Gonna need to really clean the brushes today though, no thanks to shaving with dog hair! Also explained to her to never do that again... Dads, there's a lesson here!

The dogs fine too. He smells pretty good... Like a Mudder Focker! :biggrin1:
LOL thanks for the good laff this morning, glad nothing was destroyed....a nice soak and vinegar wash with the brushes should make is good as new!
So this is what I have to look forward do. Except in my case, it will be with my wife's Persian cat. I'll have to remember to keep the blades tucked away in a safe location.

Anyway, your kid has really good taste, Mudder Focker is my favorite soap!
My son loves watching me shave and he's 4. Thank goodness I am such a light sleeper. As soon as he turns his doorknob, it makes a small click noise, and I'm wide awake.
This made me laugh, I always tell my wife I'm going to practice shaving on our pug while I wait for mine to grow back.
Its great that our kids are cute and do funny things, at least that's what I thought about my kids. Otherwise, I'm not sure they would have survived this long.:biggrin1:
They say that insanity runs in families - you get it from your children. Anytime we reported frustrating/amusing antics to their grandparents the reply was always, "Well, you're paying for your raising."
"The dogs fine too. He smells pretty good... Like a Mudder Focker! :biggrin1:"

haha needed a good laugh before bed. thanks
That's a riot! Also a reminder to keep those razors secured! When I was a kid I had the inspired idea to pre-mix the chocolate milk (Bosco) in the jar and put it back on the shelf. My folks were not amused when they found it and did not display any appreciation for my forward thinking. I might have gone on to be the Steve Jobs of food additives! It's all their fault. :biggrin1:
Yes, yes, the dear little ones learn through imitating their parents. Isn't it cute?

Hey, she was only off by a few key points...Dad's face, dog's back. Minor details! :biggrin1:
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