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The CONS of DE shaving?

Although I haven't personally DE shaved, I have seen videos. The downside from my obersation appears to be that you have to shave SLOW, meaning if your running a little late for work and have to shave then a DE razor isn't for you. I also observed that it seems you can only have one direction and that's down unlike a straight razor or even a regular stick razor. Also it seems like it would be a bit harder to follow the line of your beard, if you have one. Seems that DE shaving is mainly for people who shave off all of their facial hair. All in all the biggest problem seems to be the fact that you have to shave slow, can any of you actual users think of any more negatives in DE shaving?
It's made shaving fun, so now I look forward to it. Then it's over so quickly, so I must wait a whole DAY before I can shave again! I hate that.

Maintaining a crisp hairline with DE is easier than with a cartridge. You'll always know exactly where the blade edge is, so no guesswork is involved. Give it a shot and I'll bet you're pleasantly surprised.
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I can do a 3 pass shave with an R41 in a little over 5 minutes, and that includes face lathering 3 times. I could actually go to work after the first pass.

Not sure what the "one direction" thing you mention means: on a touch-up, my razor is all over the place (weird beard pattern).
I normally shave at night after i put the child to bed so how long it takes really isn't an issue even though it can take a while, i enjoy it. The only downside for me is that i want too try literally everything, straights, razors, soaps, blades...everything darn it! Ill treat myself when the New Year is out the way and get some shaving soap so its neigh bad really.
I can't say it takes me a 'long' time to shave with my DE, but I'm only a month or so in. I usually do a 2-pass shave, WTG/XTG, with some buffing around the point of my chin and all the contortions required to shave up under my nose. I could manage 1 pass, but I don't think that shave would be any better than using my old electric that I hate. The only CON I can see is the need for availability of 'good' products locally.
It is slower, at first. But it gets quicker. There is a learning curve that basic cartridges don't have. Then again, neither do the better cartridge razors or an injector. It's worth being a little slower at first to ultimately get a better shave with less irritation, generally.

Not sure what you mean about only 1 direction. You can shave any direction with pretty much any razor.
The downside from my obersation appears to be that you have to shave SLOW, meaning if your running a little late for work and have to shave then a DE razor isn't for you.
There is a learning curve, after which you can shave pretty quickly if you want to. Some of the guys here treat their morning shave as a 30 minute spa treatment. I don't. I get the the best shaves of my life in about 6 minues. A buddy of mine targets a 2 minute 2 pass shave every work day. I can do that, but it's rushing things a bit.

I also observed that it seems you can only have one direction and that's down unlike a straight razor or even a regular stick razor.
Many of us preach the philosophy of beard reduction through multiple passes. The first pass is generally with the grain of beard, the second across the grain, and the third with the grain. We believe this provides the closest, most comfortable shave.

The direction of the grain varies from person to person and even between different areas of the same face. With the grain may be down your cheeks but from the side of your neck towards your adams apple on your throat. Or not. You need to check out the stickies in the new user forum and find out about face mapping.

Some guys just do one pass or do multiple passes in different directions and think the whole beard reduction philosophy is hooey.
Also it seems like it would be a bit harder to follow the line of your beard, if you have one. Seems that DE shaving is mainly for people who shave off all of their facial hair.
I had a full beard when I started DE shaving. It was no problem following the line of my beard on the first pass.

All in all the biggest problem seems to be the fact that you have to shave slow, can any of you actual users think of any more negatives in DE shaving?
After a short time you will be able to shave as fast with a DE as you can with a cartridge or disposable razor, but it will take some practice to get to that point.

The biggest negative for most of us is that it makes shaving enjoyable enough that you don't mind spending all of the money you save on blades to buy fragrant soaps, lush brushes, fancy mugs, more razors, more blades, fountain pens, cast iron pans, and bacon.
can any of you actual users think of any more negatives in DE shaving?
Well, I used to use an electric razor during my morning commute. I'm pretty sure DE shaving while driving would be a bit of a challenge.
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Although I haven't personally DE shaved, I have seen videos. The downside from my obersation appears to be that you have to shave SLOW, meaning if your running a little late for work and have to shave then a DE razor isn't for you. I also observed that it seems you can only have one direction and that's down unlike a straight razor or even a regular stick razor. Also it seems like it would be a bit harder to follow the line of your beard, if you have one. Seems that DE shaving is mainly for people who shave off all of their facial hair. All in all the biggest problem seems to be the fact that you have to shave slow, can any of you actual users think of any more negatives in DE shaving?

I actually shave pretty fast and only do a one-pass on many days. It isn't a perfect shave, but better than I used to get with carts. It does take longer to whip up the lather than to spray goo out of a can, but my skin is better too now, so that's worth it.
I cannot really think of any CONS. If time is an issue, shave the night before. You could get a shower mirror. Shaving in the shower might gain you a couple of minutes. Realistically though, shaving with a DE only takes that long if you are just starting out and want a good shave without a sliced up, diced up, nicked up, bloody face. After the bulk of the learning is under your belt, 5-10 minutes is all it takes. I can also personally skip a day or two if I needed to. I don't have to deal with stubble police where I work. Although, If I do let my facial hair growth get too long they will make me wear a beardnet. If you have not gone DE you owe it to yourself to give it a go. I think you will like it. I convinced my brother this past Christmas. he loves it.
Also it seems like it would be a bit harder to follow the line of your beard, if you have one. Seems that DE shaving is mainly for people who shave off all of their facial hair.

Actually quite the opposite...I have a "partial beard" and I found that over the years the more blades they put on a Cartridge, the less the beard line was "cut" neatly...

One of the first things I noticed, and gets noticed daily by folks I see regularly, is how "neatly trimmed" the lines of my beard are since I switched to DE shaving, nice sharp lines, I love the fact that I switched...

As for the time thing...you make time for things you enjoy..so set your alarm, and actually get your @$$ out of bed instead of hitting the snooze, in fact set if for an hour earlier, have a cup of joe (french press or Moka pot of course with freshly ground beans) get a good work out in, then get your shave on...my day just wouldnt start off right with out this!

just my humble opinion, of course!
Cons: Waiting till tomorrow to shave again.

My face has never been happier since I switched to wet shaving using a DE. There is a bit of a learning curve, but with patience I've learned that I can get an incredible shave without my face and neck hating me for the next 24+ hours.
One of the first things I noticed, and gets noticed daily by folks I see regularly, is how "neatly trimmed" the lines of my beard are since I switched to DE shaving, nice sharp lines, I love the fact that I switched...
When I wear a beard or van dyke I now have a much better defined, sharper line at the edge of my beard. That was probably one of the things I most loved about DE shaving when I got started. It also encouraged me to shave daily rather than to hack at the edges of my beard with a cartridge razor once a week.
After a short time you will be able to shave as fast with a DE as you can with a cartridge or disposable razor, but it will take some practice to get to that point.

The biggest negative for most of us is that it makes shaving enjoyable enough that you don't mind spending all of the money you save on blades to buy fragrant soaps, lush brushes, fancy mugs, more razors, more blades, fountain pens, cast iron pans, and bacon.

Bacon? I should eat more bacon? Forget the pens and pans, I'll just do more bacon.
The biggest negative for most of us is that it makes shaving enjoyable enough that you don't mind spending all of the money you save on blades to buy fragrant soaps, lush brushes, fancy mugs, more razors, more blades, fountain pens, cast iron pans, and bacon.

Minus the bacon, isn't that what Birthday/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/forgot-the-name-of-the-muslim-holiday is for?

Okay, I'd take bacon as a birthday gift.
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