This is what i said (home alone at the time) yesterday when I walked out of the bathroom after shaving with a straight that has a changeable blade for the first time
I had tried to shave with a "shave ready" straight that I got for christmas about two years ago, never cut myself but never got a good shave with it.
Yesterday I found a barber that sold my a "shavette" and rushed to the sink to try it..... just one nick on the chin, but the fool that I can be I decided to trim the unabrow (any one who has a unabrow and doesn´t take care of it, deserves to have a #%&% unabrow)
Just fraction of a second, a hint of pressure .... and nothing could stop the bleeding
Today my face feels horrible, razor burn after razor burn all over. It's ridiculous that something that gave me such discomfort can be something I look so forward to doing again !
A DE shave is something that I can do blindfolded, but I originally started out in the wetshave business intending to use the straight I got for christmas.
I asked the barber to order a stone for me so I might be able to use it, but until then I think I'll switch between my DE razor and the changeable straight (shavette ? or is that a brand name?) to try to get the hang of it.
And btw, the blood will stay on the blade untill next time
(I'll change the blade
This is what i said (home alone at the time) yesterday when I walked out of the bathroom after shaving with a straight that has a changeable blade for the first time
I had tried to shave with a "shave ready" straight that I got for christmas about two years ago, never cut myself but never got a good shave with it.
Yesterday I found a barber that sold my a "shavette" and rushed to the sink to try it..... just one nick on the chin, but the fool that I can be I decided to trim the unabrow (any one who has a unabrow and doesn´t take care of it, deserves to have a #%&% unabrow)
Just fraction of a second, a hint of pressure .... and nothing could stop the bleeding
Today my face feels horrible, razor burn after razor burn all over. It's ridiculous that something that gave me such discomfort can be something I look so forward to doing again !
A DE shave is something that I can do blindfolded, but I originally started out in the wetshave business intending to use the straight I got for christmas.
I asked the barber to order a stone for me so I might be able to use it, but until then I think I'll switch between my DE razor and the changeable straight (shavette ? or is that a brand name?) to try to get the hang of it.
And btw, the blood will stay on the blade untill next time

(I'll change the blade