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The Blade Buddy

Has anyone tried The Blade Buddy?

I found an ad in an airline magazine for Blade Buddy and checked out their web site. It is sort of like stropping a blade. It supposedly realigns the blade to keep it like new. It is to be used on new or new new blades (it won't help worn-out blades). Before using the blade, apply a dab of lather on the face of The Blade Buddy and push the blade upward only about 20 times before each shave.

Anyone know if it really works?
You might be interested in http://sharpologist.com/2011/07/video-how-to-extend-the-life-of-razor-blades.html for background material.

Strictly speaking, resharpening a disposable blade is impractical. Stropping cleans the edge, and maybe straightens it a bit. Even so it can be useful, and I find that jeans-stropping doubles the life of many blades. The reviews on amazon suggest that this gizmo works about that well, too. But jeans-stropping is free - so why buy a gizmo?
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