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The Birthday Shave: Safety Razors


The Lather Maestro
Well, how cool is that? To start a new sticky in the General Shaving forum, I'm humbled and honored!

Repost from yesterday:


3Q-1956 birthday Super Speed Red Tip.

That is actually NOT refinished, found on eBay from my favorite razor seller in mint condition, certainly did not see much use. It had the original instruction booklet in the case, but not the blades. I got the blades on eBay, too, but they might be from the year before or the year after, but they are close. I shave with it once a year, and today was the day.

A little scrubbing bubbles and back in the case for another year.





Staff member
Well, how cool is that? To start a new sticky in the General Shaving forum, I'm humbled and honored!

Repost from yesterday:


3Q-1956 birthday Super Speed Red Tip.

That is actually NOT refinished, found on eBay from my favorite razor seller in mint condition, certainly did not see much use. It had the original instruction booklet in the case, but not the blades. I got the blades on eBay, too, but they might be from the year before or the year after, but they are close. I shave with it once a year, and today was the day.

A little scrubbing bubbles and back in the case for another year.

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View attachment 1899574
Happy birthday, JC!

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
I decided that even though I just had a shave it was too good an opportunity to pass up today...

SOTBD: Tuesday August 27, 2024
Razor: SlimGem Mantis SE
Blade: PTFE (2)
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: Yardley Oatmeal & Almond

Didn't get too deep but lather was removed. :)

I didn’t realize it until after the fact, but I didn’t shave with my birth quarter Gillette this year due to being out of the country. We were in the middle of a 2week trip and I didn’t even consider that when packing my gear. Took a different razor instead… oh well!
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