Okay... this has completely thrown me for a loop today. Out of curiosity and for the fun of it, I decided to order a Parker shavette for the purpose of using it as a project blade (hense the thread that bore the seed for the shavette competition - you're welcome
). Well, it arrived today and I decided to give it a test run before starting on my modifications (I wanted to at least know what a stock Parker shaved like). So, I snapped one of my red Personna blades in half, broke out my Arko, and started shaving using my typical straight razor techniques. Immediately, I was shocked by the lack of irritation and the closeness with which it was taking off my 2-day growth. The end result after only two passes was a damn good shave with no nicks, cuts, or irritation. Even more interesting to me was that this wasn't my first time using a shavette. I had previously used a shavette made by The Shaving Factory (which I have since PIF'ed away). While the SF shavette sliced & diced my face when I wasn't completely focused, the Parker was like a high-end sports car on a race track. It took every curve of my face and I wasn't afraid to shave with it using my typical straight razor speed. While I don't expect it to completely replace my straights, I'm pretty damned impressed with it. One question - When did I get to bizarro world?

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