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the art of shaving, genuine badger?

Hey guys. I am currently using an art of shaving genuine badger brush that came in a limited edition set with a metal cushion with shave light and vibrate. I think the brush us ok but of course i have nothing to compare it to. I am new to straight shaving and am in the process of buying some nice kit. Does anyone have any uk recommendations for a nice functional brush that wont cost the earth? I am looking for quality but don't want to have to remortgage to buy it. My father has a similar brush but his is metal and mine is milled plastic. They are both by the art of shaving and his says Gillette on top. I think they are basically the same brush. Of course i am not positive as my parents live in usa so i will check when they come to see me next month. So if anyone has any ideas on a really nice brush i am happy to hear them so i can order 1 and a fantastic dollar price and get mum and dad to bring it over for me.many thanks and great forum
Do you bowl-lather or face-lather? Or do you want to keep your options open?

Are you open to horse, boar, or synthetic?

Can you be a little more specific about budget? For example would £50 be too much?
www.whippeddog.com has very reasonably priced gear, and Larry is a pleasure to deal with, but you should also keep an eye out on the BST. There are some amazing deals out there! Good luck and happy shaving Sir!
Hi mblakele. I currently face lather but want to move onto a bowl or scuttle. I get on with my current brush but maybe that's because i have nothing to compare it to? £50-60 sounds reasonable for a brush. I am open to any type of hair but with the shavette kit i have ordered comes a synthetic brush so i can test that when it arrives the shavette kit is the bluebeards revenge including shavette, brush, shaving creme and post shave balm all of which are bluebeards revenge and as i understand it the shave creme has been getting some rave reviews. I look forward to hearing back..
If I have the idea right, you are planning to order a brush for USA delivery and then your parents will bring it into the UK. That is a great opportunity to buy a Rooney brush. Even though those are made in UK, they are oddly difficult to buy there. Anyway the 3/1 might be a good choice for you and http://vintagebladesllc.com/vshop/xcart/home.php?cat=156 is a good vendor. I have a 3/1 super and find that it works very well for both face and bowl. I should probably caveat that: I am a committed face-latherer, so I have not actually tried bowl lathering in some time.

Another standby all-purpose brush is the Simpson X2L Colonel. This one is available from UK retailers, so you might do some comparison shopping and see where the best deals are. For example http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Simpson-Colonel-X2L-Best-Badger-Shaving-Brush-X2L_p_390.html shows a pretty good price for the USA, and the vendor is well-regarded here.

If you want to look into boars, you can get a very nice brush much more cheaply. The Semogue Owners Club is a standby, and you could have it shipped from Portugal to the UK easily: http://vintagescent.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=5

I am not really up to speed on synthetics, but I tried a Mühle 33 K 256 about a year ago and it was a very effective latherer. But I preferred the feel of natural hair to that model.

Anyway those are some ideas to look into. I think you will find that all the suggestions you get here will be good, so you can make your choice based on whatever factors you like: popularity, price, aesthetics, darts....
Some great suggestions there, thank you. I like the look of the 3/1 specifically the 1 on the bottom of the page at 99 dollars. It always surprises me that items made in the uk then exported to the usa are still half the price that it would be in the uk. This country wonders why we are in difficultys lol. I am certainly going to order that brush and i also saw a really cool six shooter with real cartridges in the bottom which i will order as a conversation piece. It seems i am being completely drawn in by straights and brushes, especially when shaving has become such a mundane and to be honest time wasting excercise. Being made to shave daily in the military started my journey into shaving hell but thankfully now with all of your advice and the posts on this excellent forum, i find myself, dare i say excited!? Mum girlfriend and friends are looking at me like i am mad, wondering how i can possibly be so excited over what are essentially grooming tools. I explain the money saving side albeit slow not having to buy blades, i explain that the world would be a simpler place without tv and how i would have loved to be living in the times of western movie sets, and when i still get the puzzled faces and comments such as is: that's not much to be excited about! My final response is simple. "yeah but how cool does it look shaving with a cutthroat?" thanks for all of the advice and please keep it coming. Peace. Jon
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