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Thayer's original AS leaves my skin clammy and shiny; what's the remedy ?

the title says it all, but I do need something alcohol free as my skin is very sensitive. Some people believe it is the aloe vera in the solution that causes these drawbacks; I mailed the company, but naturally, they did not answer...
What other after shaves are there ?
will talc be helpful for me ?

You can add some alcohol to the Thayers, that will get rid of the clammy feeling.
Shiny means that your skin is being stripped of its oils, and your skin is compensating for it by overproducing oil.
Use something else, and the harmful effects of alcohol are greatly overstated; usually by those who want to sell you some overpriced alcohol free alternative. Try regular witch hazel (which generally contains about 14% alcohol). Avoid any and all oil/water emulsions such as balms, milks and skin foods. Just my opinion of course.
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