Tonight I had my first straight razor shave. A successful DFS on my face and head. I only did a WTG and XTG on my face. I can feel pretty good stubble ATG, but all and all no blood so I am very happy. I was a little more nervous on my head. I am definitely not used to some of the grips, although I was able to use both hands for shaving, I had a hard time getting behind my ears. Any tips from head shavers would be appreciated. I can't believe I have no irritation. Beginner's luck I guess. The biggest problem I have right now is getting a shave ready edge. Thanks to a generous member here I was given some lapping film and I was able to shave with a vintage straight I scored for $15.00 on the bay. It is stamped with "Ajax Klipper" only. Does anyone have any information on these razors. The bid said it was around 70 years old. Nice to finally get the old girl mowing down three days of stubble. I will admit that tonight was the first time I thought about a pre-shave oil. I used an uberlather of glycerine, VDH and Prorasso Blue, but I found myself constantly adding water to my face with my fingers to keep things slick. It must have worked because I emerged unscathed. "Victory is mine!" Thank you everyone for providing the education here to make the transition to straight razor shaving possible.
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