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My elbows leak
Staff member
I think some of those are quite ungentlemanly, unlike what this place claims it represents. I wish I could edit the negative emojis out.
Just don't use any that you think are inappropriate. Personally, I don't see any that are ungentlemanly in and of themselves.
It's not the reaction that is ungentlemanly, it's the way that the reaction is used in response to a post.

The laughing emoji isn't ungentlemanly - unless I use it on a post someone made about their canine best friend dying.
The angry face isn't ungentlemanly if I use it to show how I feel when someone posts that a neighbor was abusing their spouse.
The facepalm emoji is absolutely perfect for the "Jokes that make you groan" thread.

Ok, the Gordon Ramsay emoji is pretty bad. I can't see any circumstances where that would be appropriate.
I suggest everyone PM @Toothpick to let him know you guys don't like that one. :ihih:


Needs milk and a bidet!
Agree. If only he would let his capability to cook shine and not let the theater take his show to another place, then I could watch him.
yeah…but no one else would watch him. There are clips around when he trained with Marco Pierre White and he’s quiet as a church mouse. But also, he trained with Marco Pierre White where he adopted his overzealous act from. I like his show Uncharted. He’s out of the kitchen and he’s a completely different person. I suppose mainly because there is no one to yell at. He just simply will not accept anything less than perfection and perfect 100% attention to detail. We’re talking about food I’m bout to consume….yeah, yell at those cooks cause I want my food perfect.


Needs milk and a bidet!



"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I am pretty sure that I know who Gordon Ramsay is now.

I know I only watch Hallmark movies, and the History channel, but isn't he the "Heck's Kitchen" guy that used to be on the Fox broadcast channel? This was at least 10 years ago?

If I'm korreck in my guess about who he is, I am really proud of myself.

But that picture of him looks nothing like he did 10+ years ago. He had blonde hair.

And thanks for letting me know that the facepalm is good for the "jokes that make you groan" place! I will definitely be using it!

Edit: I'm kollecting quite the assortment of emotions here!
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Head Cheese Head Chef
I am pretty sure that I know who Gordon Ramsay is now.

I know I only watch Hallmark movies, and the History channel, but isn't he the "Heck's Kitchen" guy that used to be on the Fox broadcast channel? This was at least 10 years ago?

If I'm korreck in my guess about who he is, I am really proud of myself.

But that picture of him looks nothing like he did 10+ years ago. He had blonde hair.

And thanks for letting me know that the facepalm is good for the "jokes that make you groan" place! I will definitely be using it!

You got her KORRECK @FarmerTan ! Thus I have awarded you my very first "donkey" reaction. I hope you do not find it too ungentlemanly.
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